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embassy  [ˋɛmbəsɪ] (n.)

definition :

a group of people who work under an ambassador and represent their country in a foreign country


They went to a reception at the American Embassy in Moscow .


consulate  [ˋkɑns!ɪt] (n.)

definition :

a. a government by consul

b. the office, term of office, or jurisdiction of a consul

c. the residence or official premises of a consul


snoop  [snup] (v.)  

definition :

to look or pry especially in a sneaking or meddlesome manner

She locks up her diary to keep her brother from snooping.


surveillance [sɚˋveləns] (n.) 

definition :

close watch kept over someone or something (as by a detective)


The bank robbery was recorded by surveillance video cameras.


amendment [əˋmɛndmənt] (n.)

definition :

the act or process of changing the words or meaning of a law or document : the act or process of amending something


An amendment to the United States Constitution limits thePresident to two full terms in office .


euphemism    [ˋjufəmɪzəm] (n.)   

definition :

an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh


restraint [rɪˋstrent] (n.)

definition :

the act of controlling by restraining someone or something


The police exercised great restraint by not responding to theinsulting remarks of the protesters .


mundane  (adj.) 

definition :

dull and ordinary relating to ordinary life on earth rather than to spiritual things


They lead a pretty mundane life.


crucify (v.) 

definition :

  1. a.      to put to death by nailing or binding the wrists or hands and feet to a cross
  2. b.      to destroy the power of


They crucified her in the newspapers for having an affair.


ensue (v.) 

definition :

  1. a.      to come at a later time : to happen as a result
  2. b.      to take place afterward or as a result


After the heavy rains , floods ensued . 


nostril (n.)

 definition :

one of the two holes at the end of your nose.


My nostrils hurt because I have been blowing my nose all day.


nonsense (n.)

 definition :

ideas, behavior, or statements that are not true or sensible.


So you believe the nonsense about ghosts?


revoke (v.) 

definition :

to officially say that something is no longer legal, for example a law or a document.


After the third accident her driving license was revoked.


sleuth (n.)

definition :

someone who tries to solve crimes or mysteries.


I love to read the novel about sleuth.


decile (adj)

definition :

one of the ten equal groups that a large number of people or things are divided into for comparing such as test scores, height, salaries etc.


the decile animals let all the kids pet them.


crystal (adj)

definition :

objects such as glasses and bowls made from crystal.


We should use the good crystal at dinner tonight.


poach (v.)

definition :

to cook something in water, milk or another liquid that is boiling gently.


Poach the chicken in white wine for 15 minutes.


tilt (v.)

definition :

to move something so that one side is lower than the other.


She titled the bowl to pour the mixture out.

pale (adj)

definition :

having skin that is almost white; having skin that is whiter than usual because of illness, a strong emotion, etc.


You look pale,are you OK?



definition :

A covering of very thin transport material worn, especially by women, to protect or hide the face, or as part of a hat, etc.


The bridal veil was very beautiful.


spew (v.) [spju:]

definition :

to come forth in a flood or gush.


Exhaust spewed out of the car.


bestow (v.) [biˋstəu]

definition :

to put in a particular or appropriate place.


I hardly deserve the praises that were bestowed upon me.


domain (n.) [dəˋmein]

definition :

complete and absolute ownership of land.


The conspirators were banished from the king's domain.


pasturage (n.) [ˋpɑ:stjuridʒ]

definition :



Long time ago, there is a pasturage there.


harbinger(n.) [ˋhɑ:bindʒə]

definition :

a person sent ahead to provide lodgings.


her father's successful job interview was seen as a harbinger of better times to come.


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Impart (v.)

definition :

To give a feeling or quality to something, or to make information known to someone


If the movie has any lesson to impart, it’s that parents shouldn’t aim for perfection.


Impasse (n.)

definition :

A point in a process at which further progress is blocked, esp. by disagreement


We have reached an impasse in the negotiations -- neither side will budge.


Loquacious (adj.)

definition :

having the habit of talking a lot


She becomes very loquacious during meeting.


Lurk (v.)

definition :

To stay around a place secretly, or to stay hidden, waiting to attack or appear


When I was four, I was convinced there was a monster lurking in my closet.


Perennial (adj.)

definition :

lasting a long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time


Each year, the nation’s marketers try to answer the perennial question, what do consumers really want?

Ramble (v.)

definition :

To walk for pleasure, esp. in the countryside


I love to ramble through the woods.


Sketch (n.)

definition :

a simple, quickly made drawing


She hands over the letters to the women with a thumbnail sketch of the contents of each one.


Abhorrence (adj.)

definition :

to hate something or someone


His opponent abhors the death penalty.


Bossy (adj.)

definition :

The person who is in charge of an organization or a department and who tells others what to do


I’ll ask my boss if I can take the afternoon off.


Jeopardize (v.)

definition :

To cause something to be harmed or damaged, or to put something in danger


She knew that failing her exams could jeopardize her whole future.

Lustful (adj.)

definition :

filled with or characterized by lust


He is an angel, though in form he is a man; he is not lustful that I should beguile him with women.


Ornament (n.)

definition :

an object that is decorative rather than useful


They spent decades collecting these colorful, Victorian-era ornaments.


Phony (adj.)

definition :

represented as real but actually false; intended to deceive


They were accused of submitting phony claims to insurers, including Medicare.


Redeem (v.)

definition :

To improve yourself, or to take action to improve the way other people think of you or something you have done


After his poor performance in the golf tournament two weeks before, he was determined to redeem himself by playing well.


Shrill (adj.)

definition :

Not pleasant to hear; loud and high


They will also have to take great pains not to sound shrill.

Layman (n.)

definition :

1.  A person who is not trained in or does not have a detailed knowledge of a particular subject

2.  A layman or layperson is also a member of a religion who is not a member of the clergy.


The book is supposed to be the layman’s guide to home repair.


Preach (v.)

definition :

to give a religious speech


The minister preached a sermon on the need for forgiveness.


Genial (adj.)

definition :

friendly and pleasant


Our neighbor has a genial personality.


Gruff (adj.)

definition :

1.  Dealing with people in a way that lacks patience and seems unfriendly

2.  If a person’s voice is gruff, it sounds low and slightly damaged.


He has that gruff exterior, but underneath he’s very kind.


Shack (n.)

definition :

a simple, small building


The family lived in a one-room shack.

Toxic (adj.)

definition :

Poisonous, or relating to poisonous substances


Never cook or boil honey as heating causes honey to become toxic.


Wistful (adj.)

definition :

sad and thinking about something that is impossible or past


She cast a wistful glance at the bridal gowns in the window.


Vacuum (n.)

definition :

A space without any gas or other matter in it, or a space from which most of the air or gas has been removed


Edison knew that he had to create a vacuum inside the light bulb.


Subsidiary (adj.)

definition :

a company that is owned by a larger company


Public transportation played a subsidiary role.


Oblivion (n.)

definition :

The state of being unconscious or lacking awareness of what is happening around you


Many ancient cities have long since passed into oblivion.


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definition :

especially, exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful

For example:

A comic actor known for his lugubrious manner



definition :

devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises

For example:

It is his devout wish to help people in need.



definition :

a  easily accomplished or attained

b: used or comprehended with ease

c: readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth <facile tears>

For example:

This problem needs more than just a facile solution.



definition :

a: not easily pulled apart

b: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired

For example:

The company has a tenacious hold on the market.



definition :

a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms

For example:

He went into paroxysms of laughter.



definition :

Pertaining to, constituting, or founded upon, a league or treaty.

For example:

a federal constitution



definition :

especially, exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful

For example:

A comic actor known for his lugubrious manner



definition :

devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises

For example:

It is his devout wish to help people in need.



definition :

a  easily accomplished or attained

b: used or comprehended with ease

c: readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth <facile tears>

For example:

This problem needs more than just a facile solution.



definition :

 a: not easily pulled apart

 b: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired

 For example:

The company has a tenacious hold on the market.



definition :

a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms

For example:

He went into paroxysms of laughter.



definition :

to be present in large numbers or in great quantity

For example:

They live in a region where oil abounds.



definition :

the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area

For example:

Recent advances in medical technology have saved countless lives.



definition :

to foretell from signs or symptoms



definition :

a mechanism that is relatively self-operating; especially



definition :

a married woman usually marked by dignified maturity or social distinction

For example:

Society matrons who organize benefits for charity



definition :

having a beneficial effect

For example:

The family kept emergency supplies available.



definition :

a: untidy especially in personal appearance

b: lazily slipshod <slovenly in thought>

For example:

He dressed in a slovenly manner.



definition :

pouring forth liberally

For example:

He offered profuse apologies for being late.



definition :

to come to think or judge

For example:

The principal will take whatever action she deems appropriate in this case.



definition :

a display of skill or adroitness

For example:

The illusionist's show is an entertaining blend of legerdemain and over-the-top showmanship.



definition :

of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time

For example:

The company needs to update its archaic computer systems.


prehistoric (adj.)

definition :

of, relating to, or existing in times antedating written history

For example:

His attitudes about women are downright prehistoric.



definition :

having a quarrelsome or combative nature

For example:

There's one pugnacious member on the committee who won't agree to anything.



definition :

slight or inferior in power, size, or importance

For example:

I wouldn't mess with him—he makes bodybuilders look puny in comparison


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Frantic (adj.)

definition :

Done in a very great hurry and often in a state of excitement or confusion


Rescuers made frantic efforts to dig out people buried by the mudslide.


Obliterate (v.)

definition :

to remove all signs of something; destroy


The hurricane virtually obliterated this small coastal town.


Perplex (v.)

definition :

To cause someone to be confused or uncertain over something that is not understood


The symptoms of the disease have continued to perplex her doctors.


Proposition (n.)

definition :

a suggestion or statement for consideration


The chairman was advised that it was a risky business proposition.


Impetus (n.)

definition :

A force that encourages a particular action or makes it more energetic or effective


Often the impetus for change in education has had to come from outside the school establishment.

Frugal (adj)

definition :

careful in spending money


Lungren, a fiscal conservative when it comes to spending taxpayers’ money, is frugal in his personal life as well.


Elate (v.)

definition :

to make happy, excited or proud.


She said: “It’s the best I have ever done and I'm absolutely elated.”


Brandish (v.)

definition :

to wave something in the air in a threatening or excited way


He looked silly brandishing one of those Star Wars lightsabers.


Impeccable (adj.)

definition :

without mistakes or faults; perfect


The top standard is extra virgin olive oil classified as having ' absolutely impeccable taste and aroma.


Levy (v.)

definition :

An amount of money, such as a tax, that you have to pay to a government or organization


A levy was imposed on cotton imports.

Perforation (n.)

definition :

1.  A perforating or being perforated

2.  A hole made by piercing, ulceration, etc.

3.  Any of a series of holes punched or drilled, as between postage stamps on a sheet


Post mortem examination revealed cause of death to be bowel perforation by a sharp sawn section of ox vertebra.


Quarry (n.)

definition :

A large hole in the ground that workers dig in order to use the stone and sand for building material


On Wednesday we had arranged to go climbing and abseiling at an abandoned slate quarry.


Riddle (n.)

definition :

 A question that has a surprising or amusing answer, or something that is a mystery or is hard to explain


Scholars have not completely solved the riddle of the sphinx.


Solicit (v.)

definition :

to ask for something in a persuasive and determined way


Grace has run an online campaign to solicit employee suggestions.


Swerve (v.)

definition :

to turn suddenly to one side while moving forward


The cab slowed down and swerved towards the curb.

Tirade (v.)

definition :

an angry speech, often lasting a long time, that expresses strong disapproval


My father’s tirades against politicians were famous.


Touchy (adj.)

definition :

1.  easily angered or made unhappy

2.  A touchy subject or situation is one that must be dealt with carefully


Politics can be a very touchy subject in some families.


Tumult (n.)

definition :

Noise and excitement, or a state of confusion, change, or uncertainty


The garden sits amid the tumult of downtown Vancouver.


Vernal (adj.)

definition :

relating to or happening in the spring


Vernal points their concepts were used to produce a calendar.


Scarcely (adv.)

definition :

only just or almost not


I could scarcely move my arm after the accident.

Poise (v.)

definition :

behavior or a way of moving that shows calm confidence


"I think it was a credit to our team that we kept our poise," the coach said, "even when we were down by 21 points."


Paltry (adj.)

definition :

less than expected or needed; too small or slight


I don’t think my paltry student grants are enough for us to live on.


Mimic (v.)

definition :

1.  To copy the way someone speaks and moves, esp. in order to amuse or insult people

2.  To mimic is also to have the same or similar effect as something else


This substance mimics calcium and can replace it in bones.


Incarcerate (v.)

definition :

to put or keep someone in prison


The governor announced his plan to incarcerate repeat offenders.


Forestall (v.)

definition :

to prevent something from happening by acting first


Many doctors prescribe aspirin to forestall second heart attacks.


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Exculpate (v.)

definition :

to remove blame from someone


The pilot of the aircraft will surely be exculpated when all the facts are known.


Exemplary (adj.)

definition :

extremely good of its type, so that it might serve as a model for others


He saw action in the Marines, and his performance was exemplary.


Intrepid (adj.)

definition :

very brave and willing to risk being in dangerous situations


Intrepid explorer trapped in a large maze - around 250 screens.


Irate (adj.)

definition :

very angry


We’ve been getting some irate calls from customers.


Reciprocate (v.)

definition :

to do something for someone because the person has done something similar for you


We gave them information, but they didn’t reciprocate.

Harass (v.)

definition :

to annoy or trouble someone repeatedly


She felt she was being harassed by the coach’s constant demands.


Hamlet (n.)

definition :

a small village


This hilltop hamlet offers views over Pienza and is a perfect lunch stop before your return across archetypal Tuscan countryside to Montepulciano.


Obstinate (adj.)

definition :

1.  unwilling to change your opinion or action despite argument or persuasion; stubborn

2.  An obstinate thing or problem is difficult to deal with, remove, or defeat.


She was as obstinate as a mule.


Omen (n.)

definition :

an event that is thought to tell something about the future


Scoring that goal was an omen of things to come.

Reprobate (n.)

definition :

a person of bad character and habits


Every time I see you, you're drunk, you old reprobate!


Dilute (v.)

definition :

1.  to make a liquid weaker by mixing it with water or another liquid

2.  If you dilute a substance you make it weaker or less pure by mixing it with another substance.


Dilute the bleach in water before adding it to the wash.


Cogent (adj.)

definition :

persuasive and well expressed


He makes a cogent argument for improving early childhood education.


Trample (v.)

definition :

to step heavily on or crush someone or something


The commuter in a hurry tramples anyone who gets in the way.


Scout (v.)

definition :

1.  To spy on or explore carefully in order to obtain information; reconnoiter.

2.  To observe and evaluate (a talented person), as for possible hiring.


They were chosen to scout the trail.

Molest (v.)

definition :

To touch someone sexually when it is not wanted


A dog that molests sheep has to be killed. Grandiose


Grievance (n.)

definition :

A complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly


A special committee investigates prisoners’ grievances.


Liability (n.)

definition :

1.  the responsibility of a person, business, or organization to pay or give up something of value

2.  A liability is also anything that hurts your chances of success or that causes difficulties


He denies any liability in the accident.


Notify (v.)

definition :

to tell someone officially about something


Contest winners will be notified by postcard.


Prodigal (adj.)

definition :

Tending to spend or use something without thinking of the future


He was prodigal with his talents.

Capricious (adj.)

definition :

likely to change, or reacting to a sudden desire or new idea


We have had very capricious weather lately.


Gaunt (adj.)

definition :

Very thin, esp. because of illness or hunger


He’s always been thin, but now he looks gaunt, his skin stretched tight over his bones.


Notable (adj.)

definition :

important and deserving attention


She worked with many notable musicians.


Protocol (n.)

definition :

1.  The formal system of rules for correct behavior on official occasions

2.  A protocol is also the rules to be followed when doing a scientific study or an exact method for giving medical treatment


According to protocol, the new ambassador will present his credentials to the president.


Foster (v.)

definition :

To take care of a child as if it were your own, usually for a limited time, without being the child’s legal parent


It is also fostered by the fear of this great unknown called death.


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definition :

a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern

For example:

We always keep very good accounts.



definition :

withdrawn in mind

For example:

She said hello but she seemed a bit abstracted.



definition :

to make briefer; especially

For example:

You can abbreviate the word “building” as “bldg.”



definition :

the representation in art of an event or story

For example:

He is writing a detailed narrative of his life on the island.



definition :

lost in thought and unaware of one's surroundings or actions

For example:

Her absentminded husband forgot their anniversary.



definition :

to treat with contemptuous disregard

For example: Despite repeated warnings, they have continued to flout the law.



For example:

The court ordered the company to cease operations forthwith.



definition :

to pay no attention to

For example:

Please disregard what I said before.



definition :

to look down on with contempt or aversion

For example:

She was despised as a hypocrite.



definition :

being at fault

For example:

Their failure to adequately inform participants of the risks was morally blameworthy.



definition :

interpretation of omens

For example:

The biography includes conjectures about the writer's earliest ambitions.


sullen(adj.) definition :

gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed

For example:

Sullen skies that matched our mood on the day of the funeral.



definition :

so shaded as to be dark and gloomy

For example: Her death put us in a somber mood.



definition :

marked by repeated twists, bends, or turns



definition :

passing especially quickly into and out of existence

For example:

had transient thoughts of suicide but never acted upon them



definition :

arising from a momentary impulse

For example:

The comment was completely spontaneous.



definition :

having an unnatural or false appearance or quality

For example:

The movie's contrived ending was a big disappointment.



definition :

of illegitimate birth

For example:

A spurious Picasso painting that wouldn't have fooled an art expert for a second.



definition :

conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features

For example:

We saw authentic examples of ancient Roman sculpture.



definition :

a: easily nauseated

b: affected with nausea

For example:

I used to be squeamish about eating raw fish.


embellish (v.)

definition :

to make beautiful with ornamentation

For example:

He embellished his speech with a few quotations.



definition :

to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability, or attractiveness

For example:

You can enhance the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs.



definition :

a clever usually taunting remark

For example:

They traded quips over a beer.



definition :

exaggerated or affected adherence to a particular style or manner

For example:

The actor can mimic the President's mannerisms perfectly.



definition :

an abrupt twist or curve

For example:

Everyone has their little quirks.


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definition :

a state of perplexity or doubt

For example:

The unexpected results of the test have created a quandary for researchers.



definition :

the state of being perplexed

For example:

There was a look of perplexity on his face.



definition :

to defeat or check (as a person) by confusing or puzzling

For example:

I was baffled by many of the scientific terms used in the article.



definition :

a: to fall back under pressure

b: to shrink back physically or emotionally

For example:

We recoiled in horror at the sight of his wounded arm.



definition :

to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly

For example:

Church officials asked the minister to recant.


archaic(adj.) definition :

of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time

For example:

The company needs to update its archaic computer systems.


prehistoric (adj.)

definition :

of, relating to, or existing in times antedating written history

For example:

His attitudes about women are downright prehistoric.



definition :

outmoded or discredited by reason of age

For example:

He has some pretty antiquated opinions about politics.



definition :

having a quarrelsome or combative nature

For example:

There's one pugnacious member on the committee who won't agree to anything.



definition :

slight or inferior in power, size, or importance

For example:

I wouldn't mess with him—he makes bodybuilders look puny in comparison



definition :

pouring forth liberally

For example:

He offered profuse apologies for being late.



definition :

a: yielding something abundantly

b: plentiful in number

For example:

The storm produced a copious amount of rain.



definition :

expending or bestowing profusely

For example:

This lavish consumption of our natural resources simply cannot continue.


prognostication (n.)

definition :

an indication in advance

For example:

The complete fulfillment of his prognostication surprised even him.


presaging (adj.)

definition :

to give an omen or warning of

For example:

Many investors are worried that the current slowdown could presage another recession.



definition :

one who authorizes another to act as agent

For example:

She's pledged to help her elderly constituents.



definition :

the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group

For example:

They discussed the national government's hegemony over their tribal community.



definition :

functional asymmetry between a pair of bodily structures

For example:

Although Napoléon had achieved dominance over the European continent, Great Britain still ruled the waves.


sovranty (n.)

definition :

supreme excellence or an example of it

For example:

Nor was the sovereignty of the Native Hawaiian race recognized at the time Hawaii became a state.



definition :

to prepare by combining raw materials

For example:

The drink was first concocted by a bartender in New York.



definition :

steadfast in loyalty or principle

For example:

She is a staunch advocate of women's rights.



definition :

to set or set forth in order

For example:

She arrayed herself in rich velvets and satins.



definition :

to spoil by a flaw

For example:

A series of burn marks blemish the table's surface.


recondition (v.)

definition :

to restore to good condition

For example:

He reconditioned the old car.



definition :

a temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action

For example:

The groups united to form a coalition.


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  • Nov 07 Thu 2013 20:47
  • week 9

alacrity (n.)

definition :

promptness in response

For example:

She accepted the invitation with an alacrity that surprised me.


allege (v.)

definition :

to adduce or bring forward as a source or authority

For example:

He alleged that the mayor has accepted bribes.


affirm (v.)

definition :

to express dedication to

For example:

We cannot affirm that this painting is genuine.


gainsay (v.)

definition :

to declare to be untrue or invalid

For example: It can't be gainsaid that most people wish they had more time and money.


contradict (v.)

definition :

to imply the opposite or a denial of

For example:

He contradicted the charges of his critics.


acute (adj.)

definition :

characterized by sharpness or severity

For example:

It's a politically acute film that does not oversimplify the issues.


impenetrable (adj.)

definition :

incapable of being penetrated or pierced

For example:

The fort's defenses were thought to be impenetrable.



definition :

capable of being negotiated

For example:

The terms of the contract are negotiable.



definition :

capable of being freely circulated

For example:

The main road is passable but most others are still covered with snow.



definition :

connected or associated with especially by contract

For example:

The bandage is made from a mildly adherent fiber.



definition :

a: to renounce upon oath

b: to reject solemnly

For example:

A strict religious sect that abjures the luxuries, comforts, and conveniences of the modern world.



definition :


For example:

Aan abortive attempt to recover the sunken pirate ship.



definition :

to be present in large numbers or in great quantity

For example:

They live in a region where oil abounds. 



definition :

to abolish by authoritative action

For example:

The company's directors are accused of abrogating their responsibilities.



definition :

marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol

For example:

She is known as an abstemious eater and drinker.



definition :

a: vomit

b: to come forth in a flood or gush

c: to ooze out as if under pressure

For example:

Exhaust spewed out of the car.



definition :

an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege

For example:

If you'd rather sell the tickets than use them, that's your prerogative.



definition :

excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain

For example: The corporate world is plagued by avarice and a thirst for power.



definition :

resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm

For example:

Some people are phlegmatic, some highly strung. Some are anxious, others risk-seeking.



definition :

to wish for earnestly

For example:

His religion warns against coveting material goods.



definition :

readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight

For example:

Their sadness was manifest in their faces.



definition :

to plead in favor of

For example:

He advocates traditional teaching methods.



definition :


For example:

There has always been strong antipathy between the two groups.



definition :

association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act

For example:

There's no proof of her complicity in the murder.



definition :

intended for display : open to view

For example:

The ostensible reason for the meeting turned out to be a trick to get him to the surprise party.


Tina Tang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 31 Thu 2013 17:18
  • week 8

Reassure [͵riəˋʃʊr] (v.) 

definition :

1.  To assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or terror.

2.  To reinsure.


The coach's confidence reassured the whole team.


Circumspect [ˋsɝkəm͵spɛkt] (adj.) 

definition :

Aware of all circumstances; considerate of all that is pertinent; cautious, prudent, thoughtful, or wary.


This is a very sensitive case requiring extreme circumspection.


Braid [bred] (n.) 

definition :

(n.)1.  A weave of three of more strands of fibers, ribbons, cords or hair often for decoration.

 (v.)2.  To make a sudden movement with, to jerk.            

3.  To start into motion.


The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.


Buoy [bɔɪ] (n.) (v.)            

definition :

(n.)1.  A float moored in water to mark a location, warn of danger, or indicate a navigational channel.

    2.  A lifebuoy.

(v.)3.  To keep afloat or aloft.

    4.  To support or maintain at a high level.


Her spirits were buoyed up by hopes of success.


Lustrous [ˋlʌstrəs] (adj.) 

definition :

1.  Having a glow.

2.  As if shining with a brilliant light; radiant.


This conditioner will give your hair a lustrous glow.

Cascade [kæsˋked] (n.) (v.)         

definition :

(n.)1.  A waterfall or series of small waterfalls

    2.  A stream or sequence of a thing or things occurring as if falling like a cascade.

    3.  A series of electrical components, the output of any one being connected to the input of the next; See also daisy chain

(v.)4.  To fall as a waterfall or series of small waterfalls.

    5.  To occur as a causal sequence.

    6.  To vomit.


The river fell in a series of cascades down towards the lake.


Nymph [nɪmf] (n.) 

definition :

1.  The larva of certain insects.

2.  ( Greek & Roman mythology) Any minor female deity associated with water, forests, etc.

3.  A young girl, especially one who inspires lustful feelings.


She fled as if she were a startled nymph.


Boisterous [ˋbɔɪstərəs] (adj.) 

definition :

1.  Full of energy; noisy.

2.  Characterized by violence and agitation; wild; stormy.

3.  Having or resembling animal exuberance.


Our class was loud and boisterous.


Onslaught [ˋɑn͵slɔt] (n.) 

definition :

1.  A fierce attack.

2.  A large quantity of people or things resembling an attack.


The politician made a violent onslaught on the unions.


Limp [lɪmp] (n.) (v.) (adj.)        

definition :

(n.)1.  An irregular, jerky or awkward gait

    2.  A scraper for removing poor ore or refuse from the sieve

(v.)3.  To walk lamely, as if favoring one leg. Also used figuratively

   Ex: The damaged ship limped back to port.

(a.)5.  Flaccid; flabby, as flesh.

    6.  Lacking stiffness; flimsy; as, a limp cravat.

    Ex: The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather.

Quarry [ˋkwɔrɪ] (n.) (v.)         

definition :

(n.) 1.  A site for mine, mining stone.

     Ex: This mountain was the site for a quarry.

(v.)2.  To obtain stone from a quarry.

    3.  To extract or slowly obtain by long, tedious searching.

   Ex: He spent much time in quarrying in old records.


Farmstead [ˋfɑrm͵stɛd] (n.) 

definition :

1.  The main building of a farm

2.  A farm, including its buildings


Neglect [nɪgˋlɛkt] (n.) (v.) 

definition :

(n.)1. The act of neglecting or the state of being neglected

2. Habitual lack of care

(v.)3. To fail to give needed care or attention to someone or something


He neglected to tell his employer that he would be taking the day off.

Drench [drɛntʃ] (n.) (v.) 

definition :

1.  (n.)A draught administered to an animal. A liquid medicine, or an instance or act of soaking.

2.  (v.)To soak, to make very wet.


The rain drenched my clothes.


Beguile [bɪˋgaɪl] (v.) 

definition :

1.  To deceive or delude (using guile).

2.  To charm, delight or captivate.


The mother beguiled children with stories

Glisten [ˋglɪsn] (n.)  (v.) 

definition :

1.  A glittering shine; a scintillation, sparkle or flash

2.  To reflect light, sparkle, shine or glitter.


The leaves glisten with dew.


Swirl [swɝl] (n.)  (v.)        

 definition :

(n.)1.  a whirling eddy

    2.  a twist or coil of something

(v.)3.  To twist or whirl, as an eddy

    4.  To move or cause to move in twisting or spinning motions.


The water swirled about his feet.


Exultant [ɪgˋzʌltnt] (adj.)

definition :

1.  Very happy, especially at someone else's defeat or failure.


The exultant crowds were dancing in the streets.


Ravenous [ˋrævɪnəs] (adj.)

definition :

1.  Very hungry

2.  Greedily or wildly hungry; voracious or famished


Most infants have a ravenous appetite.

Threshold [ˋθrɛʃhold] (n.) 

definition :

1.  The bottom-most part of a doorway that one crosses to enter; a sill.

2.  The start of the landing area of a runway

3.  The wage or salary at which income tax becomes due

4.  The outset of an action or project


Scientists are on the threshold of a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease.

Aplenty [əˋplɛntɪ] (adj.) (adv.) 

definition :

1.  (adj.)In a generous or overlarge quantity.

2.  (adv.)Enough or more than enough.


If that's not enough, there are shows, films and amusements aplenty.


Decree [dɪˋkri] (n.) 

definition :

1.  An order or statement of an official decision

2.  An edict or law.

3.  The judicial decision in a litigated cause rendered by a court of equity.


The court granted her a decree of divorce.


Disembark [͵dɪsɪmˋbɑrk] (v.) 

definition :

1.  To remove from on board a vessel; to put on shore; to land; to debark.

2.  To go ashore out of a ship or boat; to leave a train or airplane; to debark.


They disembarked in Seattle.


Rapturous [ˋræptʃərəs] (adj.) 

definition :

1.  The state or condition of being full of rapture

2.  Showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement


The team received a rapturous welcome.


Ridicule [ˋrɪdɪkjul] (n.) 

definition :

1.  Derision; mocking or humiliating words or behavior


Her brothers poured ridicule on her boyfriend.


Tina Tang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 24 Thu 2013 20:30
  • week 7

Heifer [ˋhɛfɚ] (n.)

definition :

1.  A cow that has not yet had a calf.


Have you read the book "The Heifer and the Ox"?


Ardent [ˋɑrdənt] (adj.)

definition :

1.  Full of ardor; fervent, passionate

2.  Burning; glowing; shining


He was an ardent disciple of Gandhi.


Stallion [ˋstæljən] (n.) 

definition :

  1. 1.      An uncastrated male horse.


Sovereign [ˋsɑvrɪn] (n.)(adj.) 

definition :

(n.) 1. A monarch; the ruler of a country.

2. One who is not a subject to a ruler or nation.

3. A gold coin minted by the United Kingdom.

(a)4. Exercising power of rule.


King George was then the sovereign of England.


Appetizer [ˋæpə͵taɪzɚ] (n.) 

definition :

1.  A small, light, and usually savory first course in a meal; a snack or finger food.


We usually have some appetizer before we start our dinner.

Radiance [ˋredjəns] (n.) 

definition :

1.  The quality of being radiant, shining, bright or splendid

2.  (physics) the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source

Rinse [rɪns] (v.) 

definition :

1.  The action of rinsing

2.  Hair dye

3.  To use water to clean soap or dirt from something


After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes thoroughly.


Ivory [ˋaɪvərɪ] (n.)  (adj.) 

definition :

 (n.)1.  The hard white form of dentine which forms the tusks of elephants, walruses and other animals.

2.  A creamy white color of ivory.

3.  The teeth.

4.  The keys of a piano.

(a.)5.  Made of ivory.

6.  Resembling or having the color of ivory.


The museum has a fine collection of medieval ivories.


Ewe [ju] (n.)(a.)

definition :

(n.)1.  An ethnic group who inhabit southeastern Ghana, Togo and Benin.

(a.)2.  Of or pertaining to the Ewe people or language.


Indulge  [ɪnˋdʌldʒ] (v.) 

definition :

1.  To take pleasure in.

2.  To satisfy the wishes of; to give in to.


The thrifty farmer seldom, if ever, indulged himself with good food.

Spindle  [ˋspɪnd!] (n.) 

definition :

(n.)1.  A distaff, the rod used for spinning and then winding natural fibers, especially wool.

   2.  A rod which turns, or on which something turns.

   3.  A worldwide tree of the genus Euonymus, originally used for making the spindles used for spinning wool.

   4.  An upright spike for holding paper documents by skewering.

(v.)5.  To make into a long tapered shape.

   6.  To impale on a device for holding paper documents.


The song of the spindle was silent.


Shroud [ʃraʊd] (n.) 

definition :

1.  That which clothes, covers, conceals, or protects; a garment.

2.  Especially, the dress for the dead; a winding sheet.

3.  That which covers or shelters like a shroud. The branching top of a tree; foliage.

4.  A covered place used as a retreat or shelter, as a cave or den; also, a vault or crypt.

5.  The branching top of a tree; foliage.

6.  (Nautical) A rope or cable serving to support the mast sideways.


His past was enveloped in a shroud of mystery.


Infiltrate [ɪnˋfɪltret] (v.) 

definition :

1.  To surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access.

2.  To cause a fluid to pass through a substance by filtration.

3.  To send soldiers through gaps in the enemy line.


Saunter [ˋsɔntɚ] (n.)        

definition :

 (n.)1. A leisurely walk or stroll; a leisurely pace

 (v.)2. To stroll, or walk at a leisurely pace


All afternoon he sauntered up and down, looking at the shops and the people.


Ambush [ˋæmbʊʃ] (n.)  (v.)

definition :

(n.)1.  A disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station. Hence: Unseen peril; a device to entrap; a snare.

2.  A concealed station, where troops or enemies lie in wait to attack by surprise.

(v.)3.  To station in ambush with a view to surprise an enemy.

4.  To attack by ambush; to waylay.


The general ambushed his troops in the dense woods.

Ghastly [ˋgæstlɪ] (adv.) 

definition :

1.  Horrifyingly shocking.

2.  Extremely bad.


She looked ghastly pale.


Colonnade [͵kɑləˋned] (n.)

definition :

A series of columns at regular intervals.


Engulf [ɪnˋgʌlf] (v.) 

definition :

To overwhelm. To surround; to cover.


The flood engulfed the farms and destroyed the crops.


Ambrosia [æmˋbroʒɪə] (n.)

definition :

1.  A brand of tinned milk puddings, especially a creamed rice pudding

2.  The food of the gods, thought to confer immortality

3.  Any food with an especially delicious flavor or fragrance

4.  A mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae


Tina Tang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 17 Thu 2013 23:02
  • week 6


definition :

a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based

For example:

What were the criteria used to choose the winner?



definition :

marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal

For example:

The detective was zealous in her pursuit of the kidnappers.



definition :

to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose, or use

For example:

My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.



definition :

to issue a call to convene

For example:

The queen summoned him back to the palace.



definition :

to regard with extreme repugnance

For example:

We believe we know that Americans abhor extremes and mistrust ideology.



definition :

ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous

For example:

The charges against him are obviously absurd.



definition :

a fit of intense feeling

For example:

We have Internet access at the library.



definition :

a: to make room for

b: to hold without crowding or inconvenience

For example:

Over 600 people can be accommodated on the cruise ship.



definition :

to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way

For example:

He was accosted by three gang members on the subway.



definition :

caustic, biting, or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner

For example:

He went through an acrimonious divorce.



definition :

coated with a sticky substance

For example:

The sap is very sticky.



definition :

tending to remain in association or memory

For example:

Cover the cut with an adhesive bandage.



definition :

exhibiting or producing cohesion or coherence

For example:

Their tribe is a small but cohesive group.



definition :

a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena

For example:

Having no claim to the land under the aegis of the law, the cattle baron decided to claim it by force.



definition :

defensive covering for the body

For example:

The officers are required to wear bulletproof body armor.



definition :

a person with power to decide a dispute

For example:

The mayor will act as the final arbiter in any disputes between board members.



definition :

wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official

For example:

The investigation has uncovered evidence of corporate malfeasance.



definition :

mismanagement especially of governmental or military responsibilities

For example:

He was forced to defend himself against charges of sexual misconduct.



definition :

a: the quality or state of being faithful

b: accuracy in details

For example:

Yet as Reardon emphasizes early on, fidelity to facts was never the point.



definition :

the betrayal of a trust

For example:

He is guilty of treason.



definition :

marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies

For example:

The strong economy has made people complacent.



definition :

lighthearted unconcern



definition :

sympathy with another in sorrow

For example:

The governor issued a statement of condolence to the victims' families.



definition :

a constituent part

For example:

He sells spare computer components.



definition :

something that enters into a compound or is a component part of any combination or mixture

For example:

He uses only the finest ingredients in his cooking.


Tina Tang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 10 Thu 2013 16:51
  • week 5


definition :

something (as borders or walls) that encloses



definition :

to set up for operation especially in a particular way

For example:

The instructions tell you how to configure the kit correctly.



definition :

being in agreement or harmony

For example:

The temples and palaces of ancient Greece are among the most consonant buildings in architectural history.



definition :

expressed or carried on without words or speech  

For example:

She felt that she had her parents' tacit approval to borrow the car.



definition :

a: capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed

b: involved in the nature or essence of something though not revealed, expressed, or developed

For example:

There is a sense of moral duty implicit in her writings.



definition :

to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction

For example:

We are discovering new ways to propagate plants without seeds.



definition :

to increase in number especially greatly or in multiples

For example:

Complaints about the new procedure soon multiplied.



definition :

to beget or bring forth (offspring)

For example:

Animals have a natural instinct to procreate.



definition :

a sudden attack of illness, faintness, or nausea

For example:

He accepted their offer without a qualm.



definition :

anxiety arising from awareness of guilt

For example:

He feels no compunction about his crimes.



definition :

to rescind or annul by authoritative act; especially

For example:

The company called the furniture store to repeal the order for six new desks.



definition :

hidden from sight



definition :

known or knowable only to the initiate

For example:

a theory filled with arcane details



definition :

of, relating to, or located near a surface

For example:

They had a superficial knowledge of the topic.



definition :

to put clothes on

For example:

A designer who regularly apparels several of the presenters at the Oscar ceremonies.



definition :

a peculiarity of constitution or temperament : an individualizing characteristic or quality

For example:

Her habit of using “like” in every sentence was just one of her idiosyncrasies.



definition :

a small hook or hooked instrument

For example:

Her one crotchet is a fondness for eating cookies while soaking in the tub.



definition :

to prove wrong by argument or evidence

For example:

The lawyer refuted the testimony of the witness.



definition :

to refuse to confirm

For example:

Her sullen mood disaffirmed her repeated protestations that everything was just fine.



definition :

not flowing in a current or stream



definition :

to feel disgust

For example:

The smell of gasoline nauseates me.



definition :

characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound

For example:

The strident tone in his voice revealed his anger.



definition :

a: being girded

b: close-fitting

For example:

He gave a succinct overview of the expansion project.



definition :

a concise statement of a principle

For example:

When decorating, remember the familiar aphorism, “less is more.”



definition :

a thought or idea based on scanty evidence


Tina Tang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 03 Thu 2013 20:41
  • week 4

Hierarchical [͵haɪəˋrɑrkɪkl] (adj.)

definition :

1.Pertaining to a hierarchy.

2.Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastic or priestly order.

3.Classified or arranged according to various criteria into successive ranks or grades.


Ramification [͵ræməfəˋkeʃən] (n.)

definition :

1.A consequence or development complicating a problem.

2.(botany) The divergence of the stem and limbs of a plant into smaller ones, meaning trunk into branches, branches into increasingly smaller branches and so on.


Have you considered all the ramifications of changing careers at this stage of your life?


Patriarchal [͵petrɪˋɑrk!] (adj.)

definition :

A system run by male, males (not females).


The White is a patriarchal society


Recapitulate [͵rikəˋpɪtʃə͵let] (v.) 

definition :

1.To summarize or repeat in concise form

2.To repeat the evolutionary stages of an organism during its embryonic development


The passage recapitulates the version he offers in his prologue.


Dispute [dɪˋspjut] (v.)

definition :

1.(n.) An argument or disagreement, a failure to agree

2.(v.) To c ntend in argument; to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another; to discuss; to reason; to debate; to altercate; to wrangle.

3. To make a subject of disputation; to argue pro and con; to discuss.

4. To oppose by argument or assertion; to attempt to overthrow; to controvert; To strive or contend about; to contest.


I don’t dispute that his films are entertaining, but they don’t have much depth.

Asymmetry [eˋsɪmɪtrɪ] (n.)

definition :

1.Want of symmetry, or proportion between the parts of a thing, especially want of bilateral symmetry.


3.That which causes something to not be symmetrical.


Register  [ˋrɛdʒɪstɚ] (n.)

definition :

(n.)1.A formal recording of names, events, transactions etc.;A book of such entries.

2. The act of registering.

3. A device that automatically records a quantity etc.

4. (music) The range of a voice or instrument. An organ stop.

5.(Always voluntary) To sign over for safe keeping. Abandons complete ownership for partial.

6. (linguistics) a style of a language used in a particular context

(v.)7.To enter in a register.

8.To enroll, especially to vote.

9.To record, especially in writing.

10.To express outward signs.


I registered the car in my name.


Colloquial [kəˋlokwɪəl] (adj.)

definition :

1. (linguistics) Denoting a manner of speaking or writing that is characteristic of familiar conversation; informal.

2. Of or pertaining to a conversation; conversational or chatty.


Formulaic (adj.) [fɔrmjəˋleɪk]

definition :

1. Closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original


The text was dull and formulaic.


Incalculable [ɪnˋkælkjələb!] (adj.)

definition :

1. Very great or numerous.

2. (mathematics) Impossible to calculate.


The consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.

Skulk [skʌlk] (v.)

definition :

1. To conceal oneself; to hide


Dogs were skulking in the alleys.


Soothsayer  [ˋsuθ͵seɚ] (n.)

definition :

1. A person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means

Stockpile [ˋstɑk͵paɪl]  (n.)

definition :

(v.)1. (n.)A supply of something kept safe for future use

2. (v.)To accumulate a stockpile


She stockpiled chocolate bars in her car.


Bronze  [brɑnz] (n.) (v.) (adj.)

definition :

1. (n.)A natural or man-made alloy of copper, usually of tin, but also with one or more other metals. A reddish-brown color, the color of bronze.

2. (v.)To plate with bronze. To color bronze.

3. (adj.)Made of bronze. Having a reddish-brown color. Purification


Encampment  [ɪnˋkæmpmənt] (n.) 

definition :

1. A campsite.

2. A group of temporary living quarters and/or other temporary structures.


Many people are living in encampments around the city with no electricity or running water.

Stern [stɝn]  (n.) (adj.) 

definition :

1. (n.)The rear part or after end of a ship or vessel.

2. (adj.)Grim, has hardness or severity of nature or manner


Stern punishment may produce better behavior, but I doubt it.


Palmetto [pælˋmɛto]  (n.)

definition :

1. (n.)(botany) Two closely related genera of New World palms, of the family Arecaceae

(a) Serenoa repens or the saw palmetto is the only species of its genus; it has certain medicinal uses

(b) Sabul, represented by about 15 species, some known commonly as palmettos, others as fan palms.

Siphon KK [ˋsaɪfən] (n.) (v.)

definition :

(n.) 1. A bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other, used to move liquid from one reservoir to another. A soda siphon

2. (biology) a tube-like organ found in animals or elongated cell found in plants.

(v.) 3. To use a siphon for moving a liquid.


Nectar [ˋnɛktɚ] (n.)

definition :

1. (botany) The sweet liquid secreted by flowers to attract pollinating insects and birds.

2. (mythology) The drink of the gods.

3. (context, by extension) A delicious drink.

4. A fruit juice based drink, made from fruit juice, water and sweetener.


The bee turns nectar into honey.


Counselor [ˋkaʊns!ɚ] (n.) 

definition :

1. A professional who counsels people, especially on personal problems.

2. A licensed and professionally trained counselor

3. (education) A school counselor, often in a specialty such as careers, education, or health


My brother was a camp counselor.

Scepter  [ˋsɛptɚ] (n.)

definition :

  1. 1.      An ornamental staff held by a ruling monarch as a symbol of power.


Inasmuch [ɪnəzˋmʌtʃ] (ad.)

definition :

1. U1sed to show why or in what limited way the other part of the sentence is true

Prance [præns] (v.) 

definition :

  1. 1.      To walk or dance in an energetic way, with high, kicking steps


In the square dance, each couple took turns prancing together under the linked arms of the other couples.

Comrade [ˋkɑmræd] (n.) 

definition :

1. A mate, companion, or associate.

2. A companion in battle, fellow-soldier.

3. A fellow socialist or Communist.


 After 20 years he reunited with comrades from his army unit.


Tina Tang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Sep 26 Thu 2013 16:14
  • week 3


definition :

lacking in courage or self-confidence

For example:

She's very timid and shy when meeting strangers.



definition :

to fall from or as if from being top-heavy

For example:

The strong winds toppled many trees.



definition :

a burning stick of resinous wood or twist of tow used to give light and usually carried in the hand

For example:

in an insurance scam, the slumlord hired a torch to burn the tenement down



definition :

a: anguish of body or mind

b: something that causes agony or pain

For example:

Waiting is just torture for me.



definition :

a: strong or firm in texture but flexible and not brittle 

b: not easily chewed

For example:

She had a tough time in college.



definition :

growing at the end of a branch or stem

For example:

She was diagnosed with terminal cancer.



definition :

coming to an end or capable of ending



definition :

a: a colonnaded porch or promenade

b: a flat roof or open platform

c: a relatively level paved or planted area adjoining a building

For example:

For sale: large three-bedroom house with adjoining terrace and garden.



definition :

a fiber, filament, or yarn used in making cloth



definition :

a woody plant bearing sharp impeding processes (as prickles or spines)



definition :

tiresome because of length or dullness

For example: He made a tedious 45-minute speech.



definition :

a telegraphic dispatch



definition :

constitution of a substance, body, or organism with respect to the mixture or balance of its elements, qualities, or parts

For example:

The two women were opposite in temperament.



definition :

one who holds or possesses real estate or sometimes personal property (as a security) by any kind of right

For example:

A tenant is now leasing the apartment.



definition :

the whole period for which an estate is granted

For example:

That's an outdated term that no one uses anymore.



definition :

a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation

For example:

It is a common superstition that a black cat crossing your path is bad luck.



definition :

highest in rank or authority

For example:

The board has supreme authority over such issues.



definition :

to rise and fall actively

For example:

We all surged toward the door.



definition :

a great number of honeybees emigrating together from a hive in company with a queen to start a new colony elsewhere

For example:

a swarm of tourists descends upon the island every summer



definition :

a controlling influence

For example:

He has come under the sway of terrorists.



definition :

something exhibited to view as unusual, notable, or entertaining

For example:

He peered through his spectacles.



definition :

a: to meditate on or ponder a subject

b: to review something idly or casually and often inconclusively

For example:

She could only speculate about her friend's motives.



definition :

a very large nail



definition :

to press or beat into a pulp or a flat mass

For example:

He squashed his nose against the window.



definition :

to cause (oneself) to crouch or sit on the ground

For example:

He squatted behind the bush to avoid being seen.


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  • Sep 19 Thu 2013 15:59
  • week 2

Script (n.) [skrɪpt]

definition :

1. A text that is written for a movie, play, broadcast, or speech

2. A set of letters used for writing a particular language


I received a letter from her in her neat script. 


Millennium (n.)  [mɪˋlɛnɪəm]

definition :

A period of 1000 years


The whole world was counting down to the new millennium.


Indigenous (adj.) [ɪnˋdɪdʒɪnəs] 

definition :

1. Born or engendered in, native to a land or region, especially before an intrusion, especially of plants and indigenous peoples.

2. Figuratively, innate


The Navajos are among the indigenous people of North America.


Sculpture (n.) (v.) [ˋskʌlptʃɚ] 

definition :

(n.)1. The art of shaping figures or designs in the round or in relief

      2. A work of art created by sculpting; such works as a group

(v.)1. To fashion something into a three-dimensional figure.

      2. To represent something in sculpture.

      3. To change the shape of a land feature by erosion etc.


In the ruins they found ancient stone sculptures.


Medieval (adj) [͵mɪdɪˋivəl] 

definition :

Of or relating to the Middle Ages, perhaps AD 650 to 1550.


The tunnels were dug in medieval times as an escape route.


Obscure (adj.) (v.) [əbˋskjʊr]

definition :

(a) 1. Dark, faint or indistinct

(v.)1. To darken, make faint etc.

      2. To hide, put out of sight etc.


 His difficult style obscures his meaning.


Pastoral (adj.) (n.) [ˋpæstərəl] 

definition :

(a)Of or pertaining to shepherds; hence, relating to rural life and scenes; as, a pastoral life

(n.) A poem describing the life and manners of shepherds; a poem in which the speakers assume the character of shepherds; a bucolic.


A priest's pastoral duties include helping the poor and sick.                 


Melancholy (adj.) (n.) [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ]

definition :

(n.)1. (obsolete) Great sadness or depression; gloom.

      2. (dated) black bile

(a.) Affected with great sadness or depression.


 Larry is in a very melancholy mood.


Exile (n.) (v.) [ˋɛksaɪl] 

definition :

(n.)1. The state of being banished from one's home or country.

      2. Someone who is banished from one's home or country.

(v.) To send into exile.


He has been an exile for ten years.


Formative (adj.) KK [ˋfɔrmətɪv] 形成的造成的

definition :

1. Relating to the formation and subsequent growth of something

2. Capable of forming something

3. (biology) capable of producing new tissue


The meanest plant cannot be raised without seed, by any formative residing in the soil.


Decipher (v.) [dɪˋsaɪfɚ]

definition :

1. To decode or decrypt a code or cipher to plain text.

2. To read text that is almost illegible or obscure.

3. To find a solution to a problem.


Can you decipher the writing on this envelope?


Encroach (v.) [ɪnˋkrotʃ] 

definition :

1. To gradually take away someone else's rights, or to take control of someone's time, work, etc.

2. To gradually cover more and more of an area of land


What the government is proposing encroaches on the rights of individuals.


Capricious (adj.) [kəˋprɪʃəs] 

definition :

Impulsive, Impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim; as, a capricious winter storm, stringent rulers often act capriciously


He was a cruel and capricious tyrant.


Fragmentation (n.) KK [͵frægmənˋteʃən] 分裂破碎

definition :

1. The act of fragmenting or something fragmented; disintegration.

2. The process by which fragments of an exploding bomb scatter.


It was partly the fragmentation of the opposition which helped to get the Republicans re-elected.


Dialect (n.)  [ˋdaɪəlɛkt] 

definition :

1.    A variety of a language (specifically, often a spoken variety) that is characteristic of a particular area, community or group, often with relatively minor differences in vocabulary, style, spelling and pronunciation.


The poem is written in northern dialect.


Formidable (adj.) [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!] 

definition :

1. Causing fear, dread, awe or admiration as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive quality; commanding respect

2. Difficult to defeat or overcome


A formidable prospect lies ahead of him.


Amenity (n.) [əˋminətɪ] 

definition :

Something intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for people.


Straus established employee amenities such as restrooms, medical care, and a lunchroom.


Anarchy (n.) [ˋænɚkɪ]  

definition :

1. The state of a society being without authoritarians or a governing body.

2. Confusion in general; disorder.


Civil war has led to anarchy.


Elite (n.) [eˋlit]

definition :

1. (Uncountable) A special group or social class of people which have a superior intellectual, social or economic status as, the elite of society.

2. (Countable)someone who is among the best at certain task.


He is the football team's elite.


Subordinate (adj.) (n.) (v.) [səˋbɔrdnɪt] 

definition :

(a.)Placed in a lower class, rank, or position.; submissive, Submissive to or controlled by authority.

(n.)One that is subordinate.

(v.)To make subservient; To treat as of less value or importance.


You need to assign this job to a subordinate.


Ferocity (n.) [fəˋrɑsətɪ] 

definition :

1.  The condition of being ferocious.


The president came in for some ferocious criticism.


Cohesion (n.) [koˋhiʒən]

definition :

1. The state of sticking together, or (of people) being in close agreement and working well together

2. The growing together of normally distinct parts of a plant


The team just seems to lack cohesion.


Condemn (v.)  [kənˋdɛm] 

definition :

1. To confer some sort of eternal divine punishment upon.

2. To mark (a building, for example) for destruction.


The movie was condemned


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definition :

to cause to become knotted and intertwined

*intertwine(v.): to unite by twining one with another



definition :

to attempt to seize something suddenly

For example: An eagle swooped down and snatched one of the hens.



definition :

to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt

For example: “You obviously don't know what you're talking about,” she sneered.



definition :

to fly aloft or about

For example: The temperature soared to 100 degrees.


*aloft(adv.): at or to a great height


5. sober(adj.)    

definition :

sparing in the use of food and drink

For example: I'm driving, so I have to stay sober tonight.



definition :

archaic: an interval of leisure

For example: There were no vacancies at the hotel.


*interval(n.): a space of time between events or states



definition :

a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease

*microorganism(n.):an organism (as a bacterium or protozoan) of microscopic or ultramicroscopic size

*attenuate(v.): to make thin or slender

* virulent(adj.):marked by a rapid, severe, and destructive course

*immunity(n.): the quality or state of being immune



definition :

having no real value

For example: She is very vain about her appearance.



definition :

possessing or acting with bravery or boldness

For example: She died last year after a valiant battle with cancer.



definition :

having legal efficacy or force; especially

For example: There is no valid reason to proceed with the change.



definition :

active bodily or mental strength or force

For example: She defended her beliefs with great vigor.



definition :

a sour liquid obtained by fermentation of dilute alcoholic liquids and used as a condiment or preservative

For example: glad to see his old friend was still full of vinegar after so many years


*dilute(v.): to make thinner or more liquid by admixture

*preservative(adj.): having the power of preserving



definition :

a: existing as a manifestation of life

b: concerned with or necessary to the maintenance of life

For example: These matters are vital to national defense.


*manifestation(n.): the act, process, or an instance of manifesting



definition :

archaic: the leading place in popularity or acceptance

For example: His art seems to be enjoying a vogue these days.



definition :

a vent in the crust of the earth or another planet or a moon from which usually molten or hot rock and steam issue



definition :

a: a real covenant binding the grantor of an estate and the grantor's heirs to warrant and defend the title

For example: The stereo came with a three-year warranty.


*warrant(n.): a commission or document giving authority to do something



definition :

leaving no possibility of misconstruction or evasion


For example: The evidence against the defendant was watertight.


*evasion(n.): a means of evading



definition :

something that is vain, empty, or valueless

For example: The handsome actor's vanity was well-known.



definition :

very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range

For example: She has a vast amount of knowledge on this subject.



definition :

changing or fluctuating readily

For example: She is a versatile athlete who participates in many different sports.


*fluctuate(v.): to shift back and forth uncertainly



definition :

a structure built along or at an angle from the shore of navigable waters so that ships may lie alongside to receive and discharge cargo and passengers

*navigable(adj.):deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to ships



definition :

while on the contrary

For example: Whereas you chose to participate in this stupid prank, you will be held responsible as well.



definition :

a: to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry

b: to make a sound similar to such a cry

For example: He's always whining about the weather.


*utter(adj.): carried to the utmost point or highest degree



 definition :

to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard

For example: He whispered in my ear.


*vibration(n.): a distinctive usually emotional atmosphere capable of being sensed



definition :

promoting health or well-being of mind or spirit.

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