embassy [ˋɛmbəsɪ] (n.)
definition :
a group of people who work under an ambassador and represent their country in a foreign country
They went to a reception at the American Embassy in Moscow .
consulate [ˋkɑns!ɪt] (n.)
definition :
a. a government by consul
b. the office, term of office, or jurisdiction of a consul
c. the residence or official premises of a consul
snoop [snup] (v.)
definition :
to look or pry especially in a sneaking or meddlesome manner
She locks up her diary to keep her brother from snooping.
surveillance [sɚˋveləns] (n.)
definition :
close watch kept over someone or something (as by a detective)
The bank robbery was recorded by surveillance video cameras.
amendment [əˋmɛndmənt] (n.)
definition :
the act or process of changing the words or meaning of a law or document : the act or process of amending something
An amendment to the United States Constitution limits thePresident to two full terms in office .
euphemism [ˋjufəmɪzəm] (n.)
definition :
an inoffensive or indirect expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too harsh
restraint [rɪˋstrent] (n.)
definition :
the act of controlling by restraining someone or something
The police exercised great restraint by not responding to theinsulting remarks of the protesters .
mundane (adj.)
definition :
dull and ordinary relating to ordinary life on earth rather than to spiritual things
They lead a pretty mundane life.
crucify (v.)
definition :
- a. to put to death by nailing or binding the wrists or hands and feet to a cross
- b. to destroy the power of
They crucified her in the newspapers for having an affair.
ensue (v.)
definition :
- a. to come at a later time : to happen as a result
- b. to take place afterward or as a result
After the heavy rains , floods ensued .
nostril (n.)
definition :
one of the two holes at the end of your nose.
My nostrils hurt because I have been blowing my nose all day.
nonsense (n.)
definition :
ideas, behavior, or statements that are not true or sensible.
So you believe the nonsense about ghosts?
revoke (v.)
definition :
to officially say that something is no longer legal, for example a law or a document.
After the third accident her driving license was revoked.
sleuth (n.)
definition :
someone who tries to solve crimes or mysteries.
I love to read the novel about sleuth.
decile (adj)
definition :
one of the ten equal groups that a large number of people or things are divided into for comparing such as test scores, height, salaries etc.
the decile animals let all the kids pet them.
crystal (adj)
definition :
objects such as glasses and bowls made from crystal.
We should use the good crystal at dinner tonight.
poach (v.)
definition :
to cook something in water, milk or another liquid that is boiling gently.
Poach the chicken in white wine for 15 minutes.
tilt (v.)
definition :
to move something so that one side is lower than the other.
She titled the bowl to pour the mixture out.
pale (adj)
definition :
having skin that is almost white; having skin that is whiter than usual because of illness, a strong emotion, etc.
You look pale,are you OK?
definition :
A covering of very thin transport material worn, especially by women, to protect or hide the face, or as part of a hat, etc.
The bridal veil was very beautiful.
spew (v.) [spju:]
definition :
to come forth in a flood or gush.
Exhaust spewed out of the car.
bestow (v.) [biˋstəu]
definition :
to put in a particular or appropriate place.
I hardly deserve the praises that were bestowed upon me.
domain (n.) [dəˋmein]
definition :
complete and absolute ownership of land.
The conspirators were banished from the king's domain.
pasturage (n.) [ˋpɑ:stjuridʒ]
definition :
Long time ago, there is a pasturage there.
harbinger(n.) [ˋhɑ:bindʒə]
definition :
a person sent ahead to provide lodgings.
her father's successful job interview was seen as a harbinger of better times to come.