hardy (adj.)
definition :
- a. capable of withstanding adverse conditions <hardy outdoor furniture> <hardy plants> <hardy cattle>
- b. inured to fatigue or hardships
Hardy fans stuck with the team through good times and bad.
Only the hardiest pilgrims made the journey.
lump (n.)
definition :
- a. a piece or mass of indefinite size and shape
- b. a person who is heavy and awkward; also : one who is stupid or dull
He got a lump on his head after bumping into the doorway.
starch (n.)
definition :
a white odorless tasteless granular or powdery complex carbohydrate (C6H10O5)x that is the chief storage form of carbohydrate in plants, is an important foodstuff, and is used also in adhesives and sizes, in laundering, and in pharmacy and medicine
a middle-aged woman who has retained the starch of youth
definition :
restrained pleasure in
It's my birthday. I'm going to indulge myself and eat whatever I want to eat.
pastry (n.)
definition :
sweet baked goods made of dough having a high fat content
He worked on the filling while I prepared the pastry.
indispensable (adj.)
definition :
- a. not subject to being set aside or neglected <an indispensable obligation>
- b. absolutely necessary : essential <an indispensable member of the staff>
fully aware that he was an indispensable assistant, he decided that it was high time that he be paid what he was worth
parallel (n.)
definition :
- a. extending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant, and not meeting <parallel rows of trees>
- b. being or relating to an electrical circuit having a number of conductors in parallel
These two sentences are parallel in structure.
notion (n.)
definition :
- a. an individual's conception or impression of something known, experienced, or imagined
- b. an inclusive general concept
- c. a theory or belief held by a person or group
The study disproves any notion that dolphins are not intelligent.
lumber (n.)
definition :
Collective term for harvested wood, whether cut into logs, heavy timbers, or members used in light-frame construction. Lumber is classified as hardwood or softwood (see wood). The term often refers specifically to the products derived from logs in a sawmill. Conversion of logs to sawed lumber involves debarking, sawing into boards or slabs, resawing into thinner boards of varying sizes, edging, crosscutting to square the ends and remove defects, grading according to strength and appearance, and drying in the open air or in kilns. Drying below the fiber-saturation point results in shrinkage and generally greater strength, stiffness, and density and better prepares the wood for finishing. Preservatives are often applied to protect the wood from deterioration and decay.
massive (adj.)
definition :
- a. large in scope or degree <the feeling of frustration, of being ineffectual, is massive — David Halberstam>
- b. large in comparison to what is typical <a massive dose of penicillin>
- c. being extensive and severe <massive hemorrhage>
- d. imposing in excellence or grandeur<massive simplicity>
You can find a massive amount of information on the Internet.
poise (n.)
definition :
to be or hold sth steady in a particular position, especially above sth else.
The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop.
definition :
the type of aims or interests that a person or an organization has: the act of directing your aims towards a particular thing.
The course is essentially theoretical in orientation.
definition :
to produce or create sth.
We need someone to generate new ideas.
definition :
something that decides or limits the way in which sth can be done.
We had to work within the parameter that had already been established.
definition :
to help sb to have a mental, useful life afain after they have been very sick or in prison for a long time.
It is a unit for rehabilitating drug addicts.
censor (v.)
definition :
to remove the parts of a book, film movie, etc. that are considered to be offensive, immortal or a political threat.
The news reports had been heavily censored.
definition :
to organize the different parts of an activity and the people involved in it so that it works well.
They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team.
neurological (adj.)
definition :
relating to nerves or to the science of neurology
He is suffering from neurological damage.
definition :
to make sth start or happen, usually sth official.
The government has instigated a program of economic reform.
definition :
the measurement and relationships of lines, angles, etc. in particular object or shape.
It is awesome to see the geometry of a spider's web.
maneuver (n.)
definition :
an armed forces training exercise; especially : an extended and large-scale training exercise involving military and naval units separately or in combination —often used in plural
Through a series of legal maneuvers, the defense lawyer kept her client out of jail.
fraud (n.)
definition :
- a. intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right
- b. an act of deceiving or misrepresenting
He was the victim of an elaborate fraud.
repression (n.)
definition :
the act of using force to control someone or something
They survived 60 years of political repression.
fray (v)
definition :
if a rope or piece of cloth frays or is frayed, the fibers in it become loose and start to come apart
The shirt cuffs are beginning to fray.
millennium (n.)
definition :
the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20 during which holiness is to prevail and Christ is to reign on earth
The book describes the changes that have occurred in the landscape over many millennia.