alacrity (n.)
definition :
promptness in response
For example:
She accepted the invitation with an alacrity that surprised me.
allege (v.)
definition :
to adduce or bring forward as a source or authority
For example:
He alleged that the mayor has accepted bribes.
affirm (v.)
definition :
to express dedication to
For example:
We cannot affirm that this painting is genuine.
gainsay (v.)
definition :
to declare to be untrue or invalid
For example: It can't be gainsaid that most people wish they had more time and money.
contradict (v.)
definition :
to imply the opposite or a denial of
For example:
He contradicted the charges of his critics.
acute (adj.)
definition :
characterized by sharpness or severity
For example:
It's a politically acute film that does not oversimplify the issues.
impenetrable (adj.)
definition :
incapable of being penetrated or pierced
For example:
The fort's defenses were thought to be impenetrable.
definition :
capable of being negotiated
For example:
The terms of the contract are negotiable.
definition :
capable of being freely circulated
For example:
The main road is passable but most others are still covered with snow.
definition :
connected or associated with especially by contract
For example:
The bandage is made from a mildly adherent fiber.
definition :
a: to renounce upon oath
b: to reject solemnly
For example:
A strict religious sect that abjures the luxuries, comforts, and conveniences of the modern world.
definition :
For example:
Aan abortive attempt to recover the sunken pirate ship.
definition :
to be present in large numbers or in great quantity
For example:
They live in a region where oil abounds.
definition :
to abolish by authoritative action
For example:
The company's directors are accused of abrogating their responsibilities.
definition :
marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol
For example:
She is known as an abstemious eater and drinker.
definition :
a: vomit
b: to come forth in a flood or gush
c: to ooze out as if under pressure
For example:
Exhaust spewed out of the car.
definition :
an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege
For example:
If you'd rather sell the tickets than use them, that's your prerogative.
definition :
excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
For example: The corporate world is plagued by avarice and a thirst for power.
definition :
resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm
For example:
Some people are phlegmatic, some highly strung. Some are anxious, others risk-seeking.
definition :
to wish for earnestly
For example:
His religion warns against coveting material goods.
definition :
readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight
For example:
Their sadness was manifest in their faces.
definition :
to plead in favor of
For example:
He advocates traditional teaching methods.
definition :
For example:
There has always been strong antipathy between the two groups.
definition :
association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act
For example:
There's no proof of her complicity in the murder.
definition :
intended for display : open to view
For example:
The ostensible reason for the meeting turned out to be a trick to get him to the surprise party.