magnanimous (adj.) /formal/
definition :
willing to forgive people, or willing to be kind and fair.
Ex :
You greedy glory-hound, the magnanimous Greeks are going to get another prize for you.
quarrel (n.) /ˈkwɔrəl/
definition :
an argument, especially one about something unimportant between people who know each other well.
Ex :
I don’t have any quarrel with the Trojans.
inch (v.) /ɪntʃ/
definition :
to gradually become greater smaller in amount or number.
Ex :
He was mulling it over, inching the great sword.
rhetorical (adj.) /rɪˈtɔrɪk(ə)l/
definition :
relating to a style of speaking or writing that is effective or intend to influence people.
Ex :
The rhetorical appeal to the self-interest of the audience, to expediency, became the method of the political leaders of the wartime democracy and the fundamental doctrine of new theories of power politics.
transaction (n.) /trænˈzækʃ(ə)n/
definition :
the process or activity of doing something, usually something related to business.
Ex :
Its first use was probably for commercial records and transaction , but …… plant.
protracted (adj.) /prəˈtræktəd/
definition :
Continuing for a long time, especially longer than is normal or necessary.
Ex :
Two protracted wars resulted (264-241 B.C.E. and 218-201 B.C.E.), and it was only at the end of a third shorter war (149-146 B.C.E. ) that the Romans destroyed their great rival.
bureaucratic (adj.) /ˌbjʊrəˈkrætɪk/
definition :
involving a lot of complicated rules, details, and processes.
Ex :
It was a blurred memory (Homer does not remember the writing, for example, or the detailed bureaucratic accounting recorded on the tables), and this is easy to understand:some time in the last century of the millennium the great palaces were destroyed by fire.
furtively (adv.) /ˈfər-tiv/
definition :
done quickly and secretly to avoid being noticed.
Ex :
The Latin writer (especially poet) borrowed wholesale from his Greek original, not furtively but openly and proudly, as a tribute to the master from whom he had learned.
disintegrate (v.) /dɪsˈɪntɪˌɡreɪt/
definition :
to be completely destroyed by breaking into lots of very small pieces, for example as the result of an explosion.
Ex :
As the empire in the third and fourth centuries disintegrated under the never-ending invasions by peoples from the north, the church, with its center and spiritual head in Rome, converted the new inhabitants and so made possible the preservation of much of that Latin and Greek literature that was to serve the European Middle Ages and, later, the Renaissance as a model and a basis for their own great achievements in the arts and letters.
monstrous (adj.) /ˈmɑnstrəs/
definition :
very large and often ugly or frightening.
Ex :
In which men perform monstrous actions with the same matter-if-fact efficiency the display in their normal occupations.
ignominy (n.) /ˈɪɡnəˌmɪni/
definition :
A situation where you feel embarrassed and lose other people’s respects.
Ex :
His ignominy is Patroclus’s honor.
chieftain (n.) /ˈtʃiftən/
definition :
The leader of a tribe (= a group of families or communities that are related to each other)
Ex :
The bravest of the Achaean chieftain encamped outside the city.
garland (v.) /ˈɡɑrlənd/
definition :
A ring of flowers, leaves, etc. that you wear around your head or neck or use for decorating something.
Ex :
And all the signs that garland the sky.
Aloof (adj.) /əˈluf/
definition :
Someone who is aloof, or who remains or stays aloof from something, is not friendly or does not want to be involved in something.
Ex :
Alone is aloof from the wash of Ocean.
bridal (adj.) /ˈbraɪd(ə)l/
definition :
Relating to a bride (= a woman getting married) or a wedding.
Ex :
Up through the town, bridal sun is rising.
crest (v.) /krest/
definition :
if a wave crests, it rises up to its highest point before falling.
Ex :
Lovely and intricate, and crested with gold.
outermost (adj.) /ˈaʊtərˌmoʊst/
definition :
Farthest away from a particular place or from the center of something.
Ex :
Lapping the outermost rim of the massive shield.
pliant (adj.) /ˈplaɪənt/
definition :
soft and changing shape when pressed.
Ex :
He wrought leg-armor out of pliant tin.
besetting (adj.) /bɪˈsɛtɪŋ/
definition :
Trouble or threaten persistently.
Ex :
What saves it from the besetting fault.
Propaganda (n.) /ˌprɑpəˈɡændə/
definition :
Information, especially false information, that a government or organization spreads in order to influence people’s opinions and beliefs.
Ex :
The Aeneid sounds like propaganda.
insulate (n.) /ˈɪnsjəˌleɪt/
definition :
to cover something in order to prevent heat, cold, noise, or electricity from passing through it.
Ex :
…, but this does not insulate him from unhappiness.
impervious (adj.) /ɪmˈpɜrviəs/
definition :
not affected by something or not seeming to notice it.
Ex :
…, her silence as impervious to pleas and tears as his was once at Carthage.
forestall (v.) /fɔrˈstɔl/
definition :
To prevent something from happening by saying or doing something before it can happen.
Ex :
She forestalls fate.
deity (n.) /ˈdiəti/
definition :
A god.
Ex :
…, a vegetation deity especially associated with the vine.
hymn (n.) /hɪm/
definition :
A religious song that people usually sing in churches.
Ex :
…, sang hymns of praise to god.