plague (v.) [pleg]
definition :
to cause pain or trouble to somebody/something over a period of time.
EX :
Financial problems continued to plague the company.
brim (n.) [brɪm]
definition :
the top edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc.
EX :
She filled each glass to the brim.
rite (n.) [raɪt]
definition :
a ceremony performed by a particular group of people, often for religious purposes.
EX :
These traditional rites are performed only by the women of the village.
prototype (n.) ['protəˈtaɪp]
definition :
the first design of something from which other forms are copied or developed.
EX :
a working prototype of the new car.
supremacy (n.) [su'prɛməsɪ]
definition :
a position in which you have more power, authority or status than anyone else.
EX :
Japan's unchallenged supremacy in the field of electronics.
coil (v.) [kɔɪl]
definition :
To wind something long and thin into a shape like a series of rings.
EX :
I coil him round and round.
godsend (n.) [ˈɡɑdˌsend]
definition :
Something that you are very grateful for because it helps you in a difficult situation.
EX :
Her gift of money was a godsend.
piercing (adj.) [ˈpɪrsɪŋ]
definition :
very loud, high, and unpleasant.
EX :
All of a sudden a piercing scream broke the silence.
coerce (v.) [koʊˈɜrs]
definition :
To make someone do something by using force or threats.
EX :
Athens taxed and coerced the subject cities.
fleecy (adj.) [ˈflisi]
definition :
Something fleecy looks or feels soft and light, especially because it is made of fleece.
EX :
Cut off the herds of cattle and fleecy silver sheep.
internecine (n.) [ˈɪntɚ'nisaɪn]
definition :
happening between members of the same group, country or organization.
EX :
internecine warfare.
consolidate (v.) [kən'sɑləˈdet]
definition :
to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue.
EX :
The team consolidated their lead with a third goal.
vanquish (v.) [ˋvæŋkwiʃ]
definition :
to overcome in battle : subdue completely.
Ex : :
He tried to vanquish his fears.
sardonic (a.) [sɑr'dɑnɪk]
definition :
showing that you think that you are better than other people and do not take them seriously.
EX :
He looked at her with sardonic amusement.
homogeneous (a.) [ˈhomə'dʒinɪəs]
consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type.
EX :
a homogeneous society
fray (n.) [freɪ]
definition :
a fight or argument.;an exciting activity or situation in which someone competes with other people.
EX :
And dragging one dead by his heels from the fray.
falter (v.) ['fɔltɚ]
definition :
to become weaker or less effective.
EX :
The economy is showing signs of faltering.
distraught (a.) [dɪˋstrɔt]
definition :
so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly.
EX :
Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents.
embellish (v.) [ɪmˈbelɪʃ]
definition :
to make a story more interesting by adding details, especially ones that are not completely true;to make something more beautiful by decorating it.
EX :
On it the renowned lame god embellished a dancing ground.
scrupulous (a.) [ˋskru:pjuləs]
definition :
having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper .
Ex :
She was always scrupulous about her work.
sickle (n.) /ˈsɪk(ə)l/
definition :
a tool for cutting down grass and tall plants, consisting of a long curved blade and a handle;a curved shape.
EX :
Where reapers with sharp sickles were working.
glisten (v.) [ˋglɪsn]
definition :
to shine and look wet or oily
EX :
The boy's back was glistening with sweat.
distraught (a.) [dɪˋstrɔt]
definition :
so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly
EX :
Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents.
detriment (n.) [ˋdɛtrəmənt]
definition :
the act of causing harm or damage; something that causes harm or damage
EX :
He worked very long hours, to the detriment of his marriage.
beguiling (adj.) /bɪˈɡaɪlɪŋ/
definition :
A beguiling person or thing seems attractive and interesting, but may be dangerous.
EX :
A beguiling