prodigal son 浪子

gospel 福音書

Judas flower

Last Supper 最後的晚餐

Golgotha 行刑場

panorama 全景


Pietà 聖殤



John the Baptist 受洗者約翰

Virgin Mary 聖母瑪利亞

Francis of Assisi

Francis 方濟


magi() 賢者


The Gift of The Magi à頭髮、錶帶

What Child Is This à  song

enthrone 加冕









Genesis 創世紀

Exodus 出埃及記

Ishmael() – Ismail()


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mow   verb \ˈmō\

  1. 1.      to cut down with a scythe or sickle or machine 
  2. 2.      to cut the standing herbage (as grass) of


tractor  noun \ˈtrak-tər\

a smaller 2-wheeled apparatus controlled through handlebars by a walking operator 

stapler  noun \ˈstā-p(ə-)lər\

one that deals in staple goods or in staple fiber 

layout  noun \ˈlā-ˌau̇t\

1.the plan or design or arrangement of something laid out
2.the act or process of planning or laying out in detail 

The layout of the apartment was good, but the kitchen was too small. 

freight noun \ˈfrāt\

the compensation paid for the transportation of goods 

The freight arrived by steamboat.

attentive  adjective \ə-ˈten-tiv\

heedful of the comfort of others 

The hospital is proud of its attentive staff.

disembark  verb \ˌdis-əm-ˈbärk\
def: go ashore out of a ship get out of a vehicle or craft


The plane's crew members were the last ones to disembark.

turnout  noun \ˈtərn-ˌau̇t\

the number of people who participate in or attend an event 

The opening game of the season brought only a small turnout.

enterpreneur  noun \ˌäⁿn-trə-p(r)ə-ˈnər, -ˈn

one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise 
relocate  verb \(ˌ)rē-ˈlō-ˌkāt, ˌrē-lō-ˈ\

to locate again : establish or lay out in a new place 

He relocated to Los Angeles for his new job.

personnel    noun \ˌpər-sə-ˈnel\

a body of persons usually employed 

Over 10,000 military personnel were stationed in the country.

unveil  verb \ˌən-ˈvāl\

to remove a veil or covering from 

The developer unveiled plans for a new housing complex.

crisp  adjective \ˈkrisp\

desirably firm and crunchy 

I put on a crisp shirt and tie.

detain  verb \di-ˈtān, dē-\

to restrain especially from proceeding 

They were detained by the police for questioning.
retain  verb \ri-ˈtān\

to keep in possession or use 

A landlord may retain part of your deposit if you break the lease.

sustain  verb \sə-ˈstān\

to give support or relief to 

Hope sustained us during that difficult time.

interact   verb \ˌin-tər-ˈakt\

to act upon one another 

They're quiet children who don't interact much.
carrier  noun \ˈker-ē-ər, ˈka-rē-\

an individual or organization engaged in transporting passengers or goods for hire 

I put the pet carrier in the car.

amenity  noun \ə-ˈme-nə-tē, -ˈmē-\

something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment 

The hotel has every amenity you could want.

corridor  noun \ˈkȯr-ə-dər, ˈkär-, -ˌdȯr\

a usually narrow passageway or route

They pushed me down the hospital corridor to the operating room.

lobby  noun \ˈlä-bē\

a corridor or hall connected with a larger room or series of rooms and used as a passageway or waiting room

I'll meet you in the lobby after the show.

inquire verb \in-ˈkwī(-ə)r\

to ask about <some kindred spirit shall inquire thy fate  

When I inquired, they told me she was not here.

solicitor  noun \sə-ˈli-sə-tər, -ˈlis-tər\

the chief law officer of a municipality, county, or government department 

Solicitors will be arrested for trespassing.

vibration  noun \vī-ˈbrā-shən\

an instance of vibration 

The vibration of the floor caused by thundering feet in the hallway

epicenter  noun \ˈe-pi-ˌsen-tər\

the part of the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake  

By continually reinventing itself, Las Vegas has managed to remain a national epicenter for entertainment.


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An eye doctor whose billboard overlooks the road to West Egg

èoverlooks the humanistic



River Styx à Charon





T.S. Eliot  Waste Land荒原

April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing

Memory and desire, stirring

Dull roots with spring rain.


bartleby 華爾街的抄寫員






myrtle tree



have an affair 外遇


sitcom à situation comedy 情境喜劇


boot (橡木桶)

bootlegger 私酒販賣商


frittata 義大利烘蛋à egg-based Italian dish



à Prometheus


creation of man from clay

theft of fire





Pandora à Pandora’s box à hope



 50, 000, 000, 000

thrillion  billion    million   thousand

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Frantic (adj.)

definition :

Done in a very great hurry and often in a state of excitement or confusion


Rescuers made frantic efforts to dig out people buried by the mudslide.


Obliterate (v.)

definition :

to remove all signs of something; destroy


The hurricane virtually obliterated this small coastal town.


Perplex (v.)

definition :

To cause someone to be confused or uncertain over something that is not understood


The symptoms of the disease have continued to perplex her doctors.


Proposition (n.)

definition :

a suggestion or statement for consideration


The chairman was advised that it was a risky business proposition.


Impetus (n.)

definition :

A force that encourages a particular action or makes it more energetic or effective


Often the impetus for change in education has had to come from outside the school establishment.

Frugal (adj)

definition :

careful in spending money


Lungren, a fiscal conservative when it comes to spending taxpayers’ money, is frugal in his personal life as well.


Elate (v.)

definition :

to make happy, excited or proud.


She said: “It’s the best I have ever done and I'm absolutely elated.”


Brandish (v.)

definition :

to wave something in the air in a threatening or excited way


He looked silly brandishing one of those Star Wars lightsabers.


Impeccable (adj.)

definition :

without mistakes or faults; perfect


The top standard is extra virgin olive oil classified as having ' absolutely impeccable taste and aroma.


Levy (v.)

definition :

An amount of money, such as a tax, that you have to pay to a government or organization


A levy was imposed on cotton imports.

Perforation (n.)

definition :

1.  A perforating or being perforated

2.  A hole made by piercing, ulceration, etc.

3.  Any of a series of holes punched or drilled, as between postage stamps on a sheet


Post mortem examination revealed cause of death to be bowel perforation by a sharp sawn section of ox vertebra.


Quarry (n.)

definition :

A large hole in the ground that workers dig in order to use the stone and sand for building material


On Wednesday we had arranged to go climbing and abseiling at an abandoned slate quarry.


Riddle (n.)

definition :

 A question that has a surprising or amusing answer, or something that is a mystery or is hard to explain


Scholars have not completely solved the riddle of the sphinx.


Solicit (v.)

definition :

to ask for something in a persuasive and determined way


Grace has run an online campaign to solicit employee suggestions.


Swerve (v.)

definition :

to turn suddenly to one side while moving forward


The cab slowed down and swerved towards the curb.

Tirade (v.)

definition :

an angry speech, often lasting a long time, that expresses strong disapproval


My father’s tirades against politicians were famous.


Touchy (adj.)

definition :

1.  easily angered or made unhappy

2.  A touchy subject or situation is one that must be dealt with carefully


Politics can be a very touchy subject in some families.


Tumult (n.)

definition :

Noise and excitement, or a state of confusion, change, or uncertainty


The garden sits amid the tumult of downtown Vancouver.


Vernal (adj.)

definition :

relating to or happening in the spring


Vernal points their concepts were used to produce a calendar.


Scarcely (adv.)

definition :

only just or almost not


I could scarcely move my arm after the accident.

Poise (v.)

definition :

behavior or a way of moving that shows calm confidence


"I think it was a credit to our team that we kept our poise," the coach said, "even when we were down by 21 points."


Paltry (adj.)

definition :

less than expected or needed; too small or slight


I don’t think my paltry student grants are enough for us to live on.


Mimic (v.)

definition :

1.  To copy the way someone speaks and moves, esp. in order to amuse or insult people

2.  To mimic is also to have the same or similar effect as something else


This substance mimics calcium and can replace it in bones.


Incarcerate (v.)

definition :

to put or keep someone in prison


The governor announced his plan to incarcerate repeat offenders.


Forestall (v.)

definition :

to prevent something from happening by acting first


Many doctors prescribe aspirin to forestall second heart attacks.


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alienation 異化





“You got a horn on your head.” 你外遇了。

horny 色欲攻心

pornographic 色情小說


William Wordsworth  I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.


The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed--and gazed--but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:


For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.


understatement 輕描淡寫


Mother Goose  Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?


I got goose pimples. 我起雞皮疙瘩了。


bad queen in Snow White





hay fever 花粉熱

floral 似花的

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Conceive (V.) [kənˋsiv]

definition : 

To form (a notion, opinion, purpose, etc.)
EX : 

He conceived the project while he was on vacation.


 Debut (N.) [dɪˋbju]

definition :

A first public appearance on a stage, on television, etc. 
EX : 

The actress made her debut in the new comedy.


Render (v.) [ˋrɛndɚ]

definition : 

To cause to be or become.
EX : 

His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job .


Obstruction (N.) [əbˋstrʌkʃən]

definition :

Something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles; obstacle or hindrance.

EX : These obstructions could take some weeks to clear from these scandals.

Transfusion (N.) [trænsˋfjuʒən]

definition :

The act or process of  transfusing.

EX :  

We must have another transfusion of blood soon orthat boy's life is in  danger.

slip (v.)  [slip]
    definition :

to move with a smooth sliding motion.
EX :

The ship slipped through the water.

inanity (n.) [inˋæniti]
     definition :

lack of substance. 
EX :

quickly realized that her suggestion was an inanity and withdrew it.

venereal (a.)  [viˋniəriəl]
      definition :

of or relating to sexual pleasure or indulgence.
EX :

venereal infections.

dissimulate (v.) [diˋsimju͵leit]
      definition :

to hide under a false appearance.
EX :

smiled to dissimulate her urgency.

trickery (n.) [ˋtrikəri]
      definition :

the practice of crafty underhanded ingenuity to deceive or cheat.
      EX :

Delia resorted to trickery—even loading up the fishing equipment—to induce her dog into the car for his vet appointment.

sorcery (n.)  [ˋsɔ:səri]
      definition :

the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining.
      EX :

At that time most people believed in sorcery and witchcraft.

oblation (n.) [əuˋbleiʃən]
      definition :

the act of making a religious offering; specifically capitalized : the act of offering the eucharistic elements to God.


quarrelsome (a.) [ˋkwɔ:rəlsəm]
      definition :

apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner .
Ex :

His brothers were greedy and quarrelsome.

assailant (n.) [əˋseilənt]
      definition :

to attack violently with blows or words.
EX :

The movie was assailed by critics.

inasmuch (adv.)
      definition :

in the degree that.
EX :

Inasmuch as the debtor has gone bankrupt, I will abandon the claim.

interval (n.)  [ˋintəvəl]
      definition :

a space of time between events or states.
EX :

The interval between the two posts measures thirty meters.

inroad (n.) [ˋinrəud]
      definition :

a sudden hostile incursion.
EX :

make inroads into a country.


inundation (n.) [͵inʌnˋdeiʃən]
definition :

to cover with a flood.
EX :

Rising rivers could inundate low-lying areas.

manifest (a.) [ˋmænifest]
      definition :

readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight.
      EX :

Fear was manifest on his face.

seashore (n.)  [ˋsi͵ʃɔ:]
      definition :

land adjacent to the sea. 
EX :

We took a walk along the seashore.

spew (v.) [spju:]
      definition :

to come forth in a flood or gush.
EX :

Exhaust spewed out of the car.

bestow (v.) [biˋstəu]
      definition :

          to put in a particular or appropriate place.
EX :

I hardly deserve the praises that were bestowed upon me.

domain (n.) [dəˋmein]
      definition :

complete and absolute ownership of land.
EX :

The conspirators were banished from the king's domain.

pasturage (n.) [ˋpɑ:stjuridʒ]
      definition :

EX :

Long time ago,there is a pasturage there.

harbinger(n.)  [ˋhɑ:bindʒə]
      definition :

          a person sent ahead to provide lodgings.
EX :

her father's successful job interview was seen as a harbinger of better times to come.


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Western Literature




  1. a.     mimesis
  2. b.    moira
  3. c.      Hamartia
  4. d.    Dramatic irony



  1. a.     Aeschylus à creator of tragedy


  1. b.    Sophocles

Oedipus the king

  1. c.      Euripides



mimesis àa critical and philosophical terms that carries a wide range of meanings






nonsensuous similarity

the act of resembling

the act of expression

the presentation of the self


catharsis 淨化作用

tragedy à a form of drama based on human suffering that invokes in its audience an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in the viewing.


Hamartia à hero’s “tragic flaw”

Hubris 傲慢/ 驕傲

fame 名聲

infamous 惡名昭彰的

cocky 自大的/ 驕傲的

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regression  /rɪˈɡreʃ(ə)n/

a return to a previous or less developed state

Regression of human coronary atherosclerosis.

metabolize  /məˈtæbəˌlaɪz/ 

if your body metabolizes food, oxygen, etc., it changes it into a form that can be used as energy

Metabolize a drug into toxic fragments whereas another may produce harmless by-products.

minus  /ˈmaɪnəs/

used in mathematics for showing that you are taking one number from another. This word is usually represented by the symbol -

The temperature got down to minus 15 degrees last night.

render  /ˈrendər/ 

Formal to provide a service, or to give help to someone or something

We are sincerely grateful to everyone who has rendered assistance to the victims of the earthquake.

seduce  /sɪˈdus/ 

to persuade someone to have sex with you

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of seduce.

heed  /hid/ 

to consider someone's advice or warning and do what they suggest

The danger signs were there, but we didn't heed the warning.

negligent  /ˈneɡlɪdʒənt/

failing to give care or attention, especially when this causes harm or damage

He jury found the doctor criminally negligent.

rehearsal  /rɪˈhɜrs(ə)l/ 

an occasion when you practice for the performance of a play, concert, opera, etc.

Writers will be invited to attend rehearsals with the company.

refuse   verb \ri-ˈfyüz\
def: express oneself as unwilling to accept show or express unwillingness to do or comply with

When they offered me the money, I couldn't refuse.

contemporary  adjective \kən-ˈtem-pə-ˌrer-ē, -ˌre-rē\

happening, existing, living or coming into being during the same period of time

The absurd notion that early cave dwellers were contemporary with the dinosaurs.

11.landfill   noun \-ˌfil\

an area built up by landfill 

Part of the city was built on landfill.

hazardous  adjective \ˈha-zər-dəs\

involving or exposing one to risk (as of loss or harm) 


These are hazardous chemicals that can cause death if inhaled.

reveal  verb \ri-ˈvēl\

1. to make known through divine inspiration 
2. to open up to view 

The test revealed the true cause of death. 

mafia   noun \ˈmä-fē-ə, ˈma-\

1. a secret criminal society of Sicily or Italy 
2.a group of people of similar or backgrounds prominent in a particular field or enterprise

magnet   noun \ˈmag-nət\

2. something that attracts 

The giant theme park is a magnet for tourists to the area.

melancholia  noun \ˌme-lən-ˈkō-lē-ə\

a mental condition and especially a manic-depressive condition characterized by extreme depression,
bodily complaints, and often hallucinations and delusions 

menace  noun \ˈme-nəs\

1.a show of intention to inflict harm that represents a threat 

There was an atmosphere of menace in the city.

modest  adjective \ˈmä-dəst\

1.placing a moderate estimate on one's abilities or worth 
2.arising from or characteristic of a modest nature 

She enjoyed modest success with her singing career.

monotony  noun \mə-ˈnä-tə-nē, -ˈnät-nē\

tedious sameness 

The brief storm was a relief from the monotony of the hot summer afternoon.

nasty   adjective \ˈnas-tē\

1.disgustingly filthy 
2. difficult to understand or deal with 

She has a nasty habit of biting her fingernail

envisage  verb \in-ˈvi-zij, en-\

to view or regard in a certain way 

I envisage a day when proper health care will be available to everyone.

monorail  noun \ˈmä-nə-ˌrāl\

a single rail serving as a track for a wheeled vehicle

The passengers boarded the monorail.

 commuter  noun \kə-ˈmyü-tər\

a small airline that carries passengers relatively short distances on a regular schedule 

closet  noun \ˈklä-zət, ˈklȯ-\
def: apartment or small room for privacy 
2.a cabinet or recess for especially china, household utensils, or clothing 

The sheets and blankets are in the hall closet. 

dock  noun \ˈdäk\

any of several usually broad-leaved weedy plants


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Watch the movie

The Great Gatsby(2000)





Stock broker Nick Carraway consents to play Cupid for his rich married first cousin Daisy Buchanen and her former love, wealthy Jay Gatsby.

Nick Carraway moves from the Midwest to New York a bond salesman and finds himself the neighbor of Jay Gatsby. He's a wealthy bootlegger and forger, who has a huge estate bordering his modest cottage. Gatsby is well-known for throwing fabulous, hedonistic summer parties in 1922 West Egg, Long Island. Gatsby befriends Nick and enlists him in to broker a meeting between him and his former love Daisy Buchanen, Nick's cousin. She is now married to the snobbish and selfish Tom Buchanen, who flaunts an extramarital affair he is having with the proletarian wife of a local garage owner. Nick consents to arrange a meeting with Gatsby and Daisy, a rendezvous that will have tragic consequences.


The Great Gatsby(2013)



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Exculpate (v.)

definition :

to remove blame from someone


The pilot of the aircraft will surely be exculpated when all the facts are known.


Exemplary (adj.)

definition :

extremely good of its type, so that it might serve as a model for others


He saw action in the Marines, and his performance was exemplary.


Intrepid (adj.)

definition :

very brave and willing to risk being in dangerous situations


Intrepid explorer trapped in a large maze - around 250 screens.


Irate (adj.)

definition :

very angry


We’ve been getting some irate calls from customers.


Reciprocate (v.)

definition :

to do something for someone because the person has done something similar for you


We gave them information, but they didn’t reciprocate.

Harass (v.)

definition :

to annoy or trouble someone repeatedly


She felt she was being harassed by the coach’s constant demands.


Hamlet (n.)

definition :

a small village


This hilltop hamlet offers views over Pienza and is a perfect lunch stop before your return across archetypal Tuscan countryside to Montepulciano.


Obstinate (adj.)

definition :

1.  unwilling to change your opinion or action despite argument or persuasion; stubborn

2.  An obstinate thing or problem is difficult to deal with, remove, or defeat.


She was as obstinate as a mule.


Omen (n.)

definition :

an event that is thought to tell something about the future


Scoring that goal was an omen of things to come.

Reprobate (n.)

definition :

a person of bad character and habits


Every time I see you, you're drunk, you old reprobate!


Dilute (v.)

definition :

1.  to make a liquid weaker by mixing it with water or another liquid

2.  If you dilute a substance you make it weaker or less pure by mixing it with another substance.


Dilute the bleach in water before adding it to the wash.


Cogent (adj.)

definition :

persuasive and well expressed


He makes a cogent argument for improving early childhood education.


Trample (v.)

definition :

to step heavily on or crush someone or something


The commuter in a hurry tramples anyone who gets in the way.


Scout (v.)

definition :

1.  To spy on or explore carefully in order to obtain information; reconnoiter.

2.  To observe and evaluate (a talented person), as for possible hiring.


They were chosen to scout the trail.

Molest (v.)

definition :

To touch someone sexually when it is not wanted


A dog that molests sheep has to be killed. Grandiose


Grievance (n.)

definition :

A complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly


A special committee investigates prisoners’ grievances.


Liability (n.)

definition :

1.  the responsibility of a person, business, or organization to pay or give up something of value

2.  A liability is also anything that hurts your chances of success or that causes difficulties


He denies any liability in the accident.


Notify (v.)

definition :

to tell someone officially about something


Contest winners will be notified by postcard.


Prodigal (adj.)

definition :

Tending to spend or use something without thinking of the future


He was prodigal with his talents.

Capricious (adj.)

definition :

likely to change, or reacting to a sudden desire or new idea


We have had very capricious weather lately.


Gaunt (adj.)

definition :

Very thin, esp. because of illness or hunger


He’s always been thin, but now he looks gaunt, his skin stretched tight over his bones.


Notable (adj.)

definition :

important and deserving attention


She worked with many notable musicians.


Protocol (n.)

definition :

1.  The formal system of rules for correct behavior on official occasions

2.  A protocol is also the rules to be followed when doing a scientific study or an exact method for giving medical treatment


According to protocol, the new ambassador will present his credentials to the president.


Foster (v.)

definition :

To take care of a child as if it were your own, usually for a limited time, without being the child’s legal parent


It is also fostered by the fear of this great unknown called death.


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