Conceive (V.) [kənˋsiv]
definition :
To form (a notion, opinion, purpose, etc.)
EX :
He conceived the project while he was on vacation.
Debut (N.) [dɪˋbju]
definition :
A first public appearance on a stage, on television, etc.
EX :
The actress made her debut in the new comedy.
Render (v.) [ˋrɛndɚ]
definition :
To cause to be or become.
EX :
His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job .
Obstruction (N.) [əbˋstrʌkʃən]
definition :
Something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles; obstacle or hindrance.
EX : These obstructions could take some weeks to clear from these scandals.
Transfusion (N.) [trænsˋfjuʒən]
definition :
The act or process of transfusing.
EX :
We must have another transfusion of blood soon orthat boy's life is in danger.
slip (v.) [slip]
definition :
to move with a smooth sliding motion.
EX :
The ship slipped through the water.
inanity (n.) [inˋæniti]
definition :
lack of substance.
EX :
quickly realized that her suggestion was an inanity and withdrew it.
venereal (a.) [viˋniəriəl]
definition :
of or relating to sexual pleasure or indulgence.
EX :
venereal infections.
dissimulate (v.) [diˋsimju͵leit]
definition :
to hide under a false appearance.
EX :
smiled to dissimulate her urgency.
trickery (n.) [ˋtrikəri]
definition :
the practice of crafty underhanded ingenuity to deceive or cheat.
EX :
Delia resorted to trickery—even loading up the fishing equipment—to induce her dog into the car for his vet appointment.
sorcery (n.) [ˋsɔ:səri]
definition :
the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining.
EX :
At that time most people believed in sorcery and witchcraft.
oblation (n.) [əuˋbleiʃən]
definition :
the act of making a religious offering; specifically capitalized : the act of offering the eucharistic elements to God.
quarrelsome (a.) [ˋkwɔ:rəlsəm]
definition :
apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner .
Ex :
His brothers were greedy and quarrelsome.
assailant (n.) [əˋseilənt]
definition :
to attack violently with blows or words.
EX :
The movie was assailed by critics.
inasmuch (adv.)
definition :
in the degree that.
EX :
Inasmuch as the debtor has gone bankrupt, I will abandon the claim.
interval (n.) [ˋintəvəl]
definition :
a space of time between events or states.
EX :
The interval between the two posts measures thirty meters.
inroad (n.) [ˋinrəud]
definition :
a sudden hostile incursion.
EX :
make inroads into a country.
inundation (n.) [͵inʌnˋdeiʃən]
definition :
to cover with a flood.
EX :
Rising rivers could inundate low-lying areas.
manifest (a.) [ˋmænifest]
definition :
readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight.
EX :
Fear was manifest on his face.
seashore (n.) [ˋsi͵ʃɔ:]
definition :
land adjacent to the sea.
EX :
We took a walk along the seashore.
spew (v.) [spju:]
definition :
to come forth in a flood or gush.
EX :
Exhaust spewed out of the car.
bestow (v.) [biˋstəu]
definition :
to put in a particular or appropriate place.
EX :
I hardly deserve the praises that were bestowed upon me.
domain (n.) [dəˋmein]
definition :
complete and absolute ownership of land.
EX :
The conspirators were banished from the king's domain.
pasturage (n.) [ˋpɑ:stjuridʒ]
definition :
EX :
Long time ago,there is a pasturage there.
harbinger(n.) [ˋhɑ:bindʒə]
definition :
a person sent ahead to provide lodgings.
EX :
her father's successful job interview was seen as a harbinger of better times to come.