Christmas songs à It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year 
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer" 
It's the most wonderful time of the year 
It's the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings 
When friends come to call 
It's the hap- happiest season of all 

There'll be parties for hosting 
Marshmallows for toasting 
And caroling out in the snow 
There'll be scary ghost stories 
And tales of the glories of 
Christmases long, long ago 

It's the most wonderful time of the year 
There'll be much mistltoeing 
And hearts will be glowing 
When love ones are near 
It's the most wonderful time of the year 

There'll be parties for hosting 
Marshmallows for toasting 
And caroling out in the snow 
There'll be scary ghost stories 
And tales of the glories of 
Christmases long, long ago 

It's the most wonderful time of the year 
There'll be much mistltoeing 
And hearts will be glowing 
When love ones are near 
It's the most wonderful time 
It's the most wonderful time 
It's the most wonderful time 
It's the most wonderful time of the year


While You Were Sleeping  二見鍾情






American Dream 美國夢


F. Scott Fitzgerald  The Great Gatsby大亨小傳


Gatsby 1925 jacket.gif


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definition :

a state of perplexity or doubt

For example:

The unexpected results of the test have created a quandary for researchers.



definition :

the state of being perplexed

For example:

There was a look of perplexity on his face.



definition :

to defeat or check (as a person) by confusing or puzzling

For example:

I was baffled by many of the scientific terms used in the article.



definition :

a: to fall back under pressure

b: to shrink back physically or emotionally

For example:

We recoiled in horror at the sight of his wounded arm.



definition :

to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly

For example:

Church officials asked the minister to recant.


archaic(adj.) definition :

of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time

For example:

The company needs to update its archaic computer systems.


prehistoric (adj.)

definition :

of, relating to, or existing in times antedating written history

For example:

His attitudes about women are downright prehistoric.



definition :

outmoded or discredited by reason of age

For example:

He has some pretty antiquated opinions about politics.



definition :

having a quarrelsome or combative nature

For example:

There's one pugnacious member on the committee who won't agree to anything.



definition :

slight or inferior in power, size, or importance

For example:

I wouldn't mess with him—he makes bodybuilders look puny in comparison



definition :

pouring forth liberally

For example:

He offered profuse apologies for being late.



definition :

a: yielding something abundantly

b: plentiful in number

For example:

The storm produced a copious amount of rain.



definition :

expending or bestowing profusely

For example:

This lavish consumption of our natural resources simply cannot continue.


prognostication (n.)

definition :

an indication in advance

For example:

The complete fulfillment of his prognostication surprised even him.


presaging (adj.)

definition :

to give an omen or warning of

For example:

Many investors are worried that the current slowdown could presage another recession.



definition :

one who authorizes another to act as agent

For example:

She's pledged to help her elderly constituents.



definition :

the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group

For example:

They discussed the national government's hegemony over their tribal community.



definition :

functional asymmetry between a pair of bodily structures

For example:

Although Napoléon had achieved dominance over the European continent, Great Britain still ruled the waves.


sovranty (n.)

definition :

supreme excellence or an example of it

For example:

Nor was the sovereignty of the Native Hawaiian race recognized at the time Hawaii became a state.



definition :

to prepare by combining raw materials

For example:

The drink was first concocted by a bartender in New York.



definition :

steadfast in loyalty or principle

For example:

She is a staunch advocate of women's rights.



definition :

to set or set forth in order

For example:

She arrayed herself in rich velvets and satins.



definition :

to spoil by a flaw

For example:

A series of burn marks blemish the table's surface.


recondition (v.)

definition :

to restore to good condition

For example:

He reconditioned the old car.



definition :

a temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action

For example:

The groups united to form a coalition.


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Christmas songs à It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year 
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer" 
It's the most wonderful time of the year 
It's the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings 
When friends come to call 
It's the hap- happiest season of all 

There'll be parties for hosting 
Marshmallows for toasting 
And caroling out in the snow 
There'll be scary ghost stories 
And tales of the glories of 
Christmases long, long ago 

It's the most wonderful time of the year 
There'll be much mistltoeing 
And hearts will be glowing 
When love ones are near 
It's the most wonderful time of the year 

There'll be parties for hosting 
Marshmallows for toasting 
And caroling out in the snow 
There'll be scary ghost stories 
And tales of the glories of 
Christmases long, long ago 

It's the most wonderful time of the year 
There'll be much mistltoeing 
And hearts will be glowing 
When love ones are near 
It's the most wonderful time 
It's the most wonderful time 
It's the most wonderful time 
It's the most wonderful time of the year

While You Were Sleeping  二見鍾情




mathematics (n.)

mathematic (a.)


dormitory 宿舍

dexterity 靈巧

dazzle (v.) (使)眼花/目眩


entrapment 誘捕/圈套


synchronize 對錶


malevolent 有惡意的

intention 意圖/目的

benevolent 好心腸的

malicious gossip 惡意的謠言

malignant tumor 惡性腫瘤


muffin top



Anemias 貧血

coliseum = colosseum 羅馬競技場


henpecked 怕老婆的人

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plague (v.) [pleg]

   definition :

     to cause pain or trouble to somebody/something over a period of time.

   EX : 

     Financial problems continued to plague the company.

brim (n.) [brɪm]

   definition :

     the top edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc.

   EX : 

     She filled each glass to the brim.

rite (n.) [raɪt]

   definition : 

     a ceremony performed by a particular group of people, often for religious purposes.

   EX : 

     These traditional rites are performed only by the women of the village.

prototype (n.) ['protəˈtaɪp]

   definition :

     the first design of something from which other forms are copied or developed. 

   EX : 

     a working prototype of the new car.

supremacy (n.) [su'prɛməsɪ]

   definition :

     a position in which you have more power, authority or status than anyone else.

   EX : 

     Japan's unchallenged supremacy in the field of electronics.

coil (v.) [kɔɪl]

   definition :

     To wind something long and thin into a shape like a series of rings.

   EX : 

     I coil him round and round.

godsend (n.) [ˈɡɑdˌsend]
   definition :

     Something that you are very grateful for because it helps you in a difficult situation.

   EX : 

     Her gift of money was a godsend. 

piercing (adj.) [ˈpɪrsɪŋ]

   definition :

     very loud, high, and unpleasant.

   EX : 

     All of a sudden a piercing scream broke the silence.

coerce (v.) [koʊˈɜrs]

   definition :

     To make someone do something by using force or threats.

   EX : 

     Athens taxed and coerced the subject cities.

fleecy (adj.) [ˈflisi]

   definition :

     Something fleecy looks or feels soft and light, especially because it is made of fleece.

   EX : 

     Cut off the herds of cattle and fleecy silver sheep.

internecine  (n.)   [ˈɪntɚ'nisaɪn]

   definition :

    happening between members of the same group, country or organization.

   EX : 

    internecine warfare.

consolidate  (v.)  [kən'sɑləˈdet]

   definition :

     to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue. 

   EX : 

     The team consolidated their lead with a third goal.

vanquish (v.) [ˋvæŋkwiʃ]
   definition : 

      to overcome in battle : subdue completely.
   Ex : :

      He tried to vanquish his fears.

sardonic  (a.)    [sɑr'dɑnɪk]
   definition :

      showing that you think that you are better than other people and do not take them seriously.

   EX : 

      He looked at her with sardonic amusement.

homogeneous  (a.)   [ˈhomə'dʒinɪəs]


      consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type. 

   EX : 

      a homogeneous society

fray (n.) [freɪ]

   definition :

      a fight or argument.;an exciting activity or situation in which someone competes with other people.

   EX : 

      And dragging one dead by his heels from the fray.

falter (v.)  ['fɔltɚ]

   definition :

      to become weaker or less effective.

   EX : 

      The economy is showing signs of faltering.

distraught (a.) [dɪˋstrɔt]

   definition :

     so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly. 

   EX : 

     Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents.

embellish (v.) [ɪmˈbelɪʃ]

   definition :

     to make a story more interesting by adding details, especially ones that are not completely true;to make something more beautiful by decorating it.

   EX : 

     On it the renowned lame god embellished a dancing ground.

scrupulous (a.) [ˋskru:pjuləs]

   definition : 

     having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper .

   Ex : 

     She was always scrupulous about her work.

sickle (n.) /ˈsɪk(ə)l/

   definition :

     a tool for cutting down grass and tall plants, consisting of a long curved blade and a handle;a curved shape.

   EX : 

     Where reapers with sharp sickles were working.

glisten (v.) [ˋglɪsn]

   definition :

     to shine and look wet or oily

   EX : 

     The boy's back was glistening with sweat.

distraught (a.) [dɪˋstrɔt]

    definition :

       so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly 
    EX : 

       Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents.


detriment (n.) [ˋdɛtrəmənt]

    definition :

       the act of causing harm or damage; something that causes harm or damage

    EX : 

       He worked very long hours, to the detriment of his marriage.

beguiling (adj.) /bɪˈɡaɪlɪŋ/

    definition :

       A beguiling person or thing seems attractive and interesting, but may be dangerous.

    EX : 

       A beguiling


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Tragedy(he-go-song) à a form of drama àsuffering,







Zeus + Semele à Dionysus


Dionysus(Greek) = Bacchcus(Latin)

the god of the grape harvest, fertility, winemaking and wine




the creation of man from clay

gives fire to humanity

The immortal Prometheus was bound to a rock, where each day an eagle, the emblem of Zeus, was sent to feed on his liver, which would then grow back to be eaten again the next day.



malevolent gossip 惡意謠言

malignant tumor 惡性腫瘤

malign 惡意的



catharsis à purification and purgation of emotions

                à pity + fear

                à renewal + restoration


metaphor à Aristotle


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  • Nov 08 Fri 2013 17:21
  • week 9

wrist noun \ˈrist\

1. the joint or the region of the joint between the human hand and the arm or a corresponding part on a lower animal 
2.the part of a garment or glove covering the wrist 

rodent noun \ˈrō-dənt\

1. any of an order (Rodentia) of relatively small gnawing mammals (as a mouse, squirrel, or beaver) that have in
both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel-shaped edge 
2.a small mammal (as a rabbit or a shrew) other than a true rodent 

thimble noun \ˈthim-bəl\

1.a pitted cap or cover worn on the finger to push the needle in sewing 
2. a grooved ring of thin metal used to fit in a spliced loop in a rope as protection from chafing 

staccatoadjective \stə-ˈkä-(ˌ)tō\

cut short or apart in performing 

The staccato blasts of a horn.

velvet noun \ˈvel-vət\
def: and upholstery fabric (as of silk, rayon, or wool) characterized by a short soft dense warp pile 
2.the winnings of a player in a gambling game 

She was dressed in black velvet.

6.stamp verb \ˈstamp\ pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument cut out, bend, or form with a stamp or die 

He stamped his foot in anger.

thunder noun \ˈthən-dər\

the sound that follows a flash of lightning and is caused by sudden expansion of the air in the path of the electrical discharge 

Lightning flashed and thunder boomed.

gear  noun \ˈgir\

1. clothing, garments 
2.the rigging of a ship or boat 

I somehow managed to pack all my gear into one suitcase.

imitator verb \ˈi-mə-ˌtāt\

to follow as a pattern, model, or example 

Her style has been imitated by many other writers.

tenant verb \ˈi-mə-ˌtāt\

one who holds or possesses real estate or sometimes personal property (as a security) by any kind of right 

A tenant is now leasing the apartment.

vociferously adjective \vō-ˈsi-f(ə-)rəs\

marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry 

He was vociferous in his support of the proposal.

perpetual adjective \pər-ˈpe-chə-wəl, -chəl; -ˈpech-wəl\

1. continuing forever 
2.blooming continuously throughout the season 

The region is in a state of perpetual war.

hoary adjective \ˈhȯr-ē\

gray or white with or as if with age 

He bowed his hoary head.

voracious adjective \vȯ-ˈrā-shəs, və-\

having a huge appetite 

He has a voracious appetite.

aggravate verb \ˈa-grə-ˌvāt\

1.obsolete make worse, more serious, or more sever

They're afraid that we might aggravate an already bad situation.

agentnoun \ˈā-jənt\

one that acts or exerts power 

They worked with a travel agent to plan their vacation.

ailment noun \ˈāl-mənt\

a bodily disorder or chronic disease 

She suffered from a chronic back ailment.

aggregate adjective \ˈa-gri-gət\

formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount 

The university receives more than half its aggregate income from government sources.

airfare noun \ˈer-ˌfer\

fare for travel by airplane 

align verb \ə-ˈlīn\
def: bring into line or alignment 
2. to get or fall into line 

He aligned the two holes so he could put the screw through them.

cinch noun \ˈsinch\

1.a girth for a pack or saddle 
2.a thing done with ease 

This recipe is a cinch.

premium noun \ˈprē-mē-əm\

a reward or recompense for a particular act 

Health insurance premiums went up again this year.

assignverb \ə-ˈsīn\

to transfer (property) to another especially in trust or for the benefit of creditors 

The teacher assigned us 50 math problems for homework!

insult verb \in-ˈsəlt\

to behave with pride or arrogance 

She felt they had insulted her by repeatedly ignoring her questions.

fragrant adjective \ˈfrā-grənt\

having a sweet or pleasant smell 

The soup was fragrant with herbs and spices.

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  • Nov 07 Thu 2013 20:47
  • week 9

alacrity (n.)

definition :

promptness in response

For example:

She accepted the invitation with an alacrity that surprised me.


allege (v.)

definition :

to adduce or bring forward as a source or authority

For example:

He alleged that the mayor has accepted bribes.


affirm (v.)

definition :

to express dedication to

For example:

We cannot affirm that this painting is genuine.


gainsay (v.)

definition :

to declare to be untrue or invalid

For example: It can't be gainsaid that most people wish they had more time and money.


contradict (v.)

definition :

to imply the opposite or a denial of

For example:

He contradicted the charges of his critics.


acute (adj.)

definition :

characterized by sharpness or severity

For example:

It's a politically acute film that does not oversimplify the issues.


impenetrable (adj.)

definition :

incapable of being penetrated or pierced

For example:

The fort's defenses were thought to be impenetrable.



definition :

capable of being negotiated

For example:

The terms of the contract are negotiable.



definition :

capable of being freely circulated

For example:

The main road is passable but most others are still covered with snow.



definition :

connected or associated with especially by contract

For example:

The bandage is made from a mildly adherent fiber.



definition :

a: to renounce upon oath

b: to reject solemnly

For example:

A strict religious sect that abjures the luxuries, comforts, and conveniences of the modern world.



definition :


For example:

Aan abortive attempt to recover the sunken pirate ship.



definition :

to be present in large numbers or in great quantity

For example:

They live in a region where oil abounds. 



definition :

to abolish by authoritative action

For example:

The company's directors are accused of abrogating their responsibilities.



definition :

marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol

For example:

She is known as an abstemious eater and drinker.



definition :

a: vomit

b: to come forth in a flood or gush

c: to ooze out as if under pressure

For example:

Exhaust spewed out of the car.



definition :

an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege

For example:

If you'd rather sell the tickets than use them, that's your prerogative.



definition :

excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain

For example: The corporate world is plagued by avarice and a thirst for power.



definition :

resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm

For example:

Some people are phlegmatic, some highly strung. Some are anxious, others risk-seeking.



definition :

to wish for earnestly

For example:

His religion warns against coveting material goods.



definition :

readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight

For example:

Their sadness was manifest in their faces.



definition :

to plead in favor of

For example:

He advocates traditional teaching methods.



definition :


For example:

There has always been strong antipathy between the two groups.



definition :

association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act

For example:

There's no proof of her complicity in the murder.



definition :

intended for display : open to view

For example:

The ostensible reason for the meeting turned out to be a trick to get him to the surprise party.


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  • Nov 06 Wed 2013 00:20
  • week 9

Unanimous (Adj.) [jʊˋnænəməslɪ]

definition :

Of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed.

Ex :

      They made an unanimous vote.

Accelerate (V.) [ækˋsɛlə͵ret]

definition :

To cause faster or greater activity, development, progress, advancement, etc.

Ex :

We need to find a way to accelerate economic growth.


Onslaught (n.) [ˋɑn͵slɔt]

definition :

An onset, assault, or attack, especially a vigorous one.

Ex :

The politician made a violent onslaught on yhe unions. 


 Intuition (n.) [͵ɪntjuˋɪʃən]

definition :

A direct perception of truth, fact.

Ex :

She sensed what was wrong by intuition.


Bizarre (Adj.) [bɪˋzɑr]

     definition : 

outrageously or whimsically strange; odd.

Ex :

She has been having bizarre behavior since she broke up with her boyfriend. 

Prominent (adj.) [ˋprɑmənənt]
    definition : 

standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable.

    Ex : 

Her eyes are her most prominent feature.

Contagious (adj.) [kənˋtedʒəs]
    definition :  

Tending to spread from person to person.

Ex : 

contagious laughter.

Spectacle (n.) [ˋspɛktək!]

definition :

Often, spectacles.

Ex :

Something resembling spectacles in shape or function. 

Evacuation (n.) [ɪ͵vækjʊˋeʃən]

definition :

The act or process of evacuating, or the condition of being evacuated ; discharge or expulsion, as of contents.

Ex : 

Orders went out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.


Aftermath(n.) [ˋæftɚ͵mæθ]

definition :

Something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature ; consequence.

Ex :

The aftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood.

redress (n.)  [rɪˈdres]

definition :

Something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for.

EX : 

Because she finds no redress for her wring.  

pawn (n.)  [pɔn]

definition :

a person who is being used by someone who is more powerful to help them achieve a goal.

EX : 

She moves them like pawns to their proper places in her barbaric game.
oppressor (n.) [əˈpresər]

definition :

A powerful leader or government that treats people in an unfair or cruel way.

EX : 

They showed violent opposition to the oppressor. 


constituent (adj.) [kənˈstɪtʃuənt]

definition :

Forming part of something.

EX : 

The constituent parts of tragedy.

welter (n.) [ˈweltər]

definition : 

a messy collection of different things;a welterweight.
EX : 

The earth then was welter

immense (adj.) [ɪˈmens]

definition :

Extremely large.

EX : 

The scope of his written work, philosophical and scientific, is immense.

swarm (v.) [swɔrm]

definition :

to go somewhere as part of a large crowd ; if insects swarm, they fly together in a large group.

EX : 

Let the waters swarm with the swarm of living creatures.

skim (v.) [skɪm]

definition :

to move quickly over the surface of something, or to make something do this.

EX : 

The hovercraft is able to skim over the water.
bombastic (adj.) [bɑmˈbæstɪk]

definition :

Using words that are intended to impress people but do not sound sincere or do not express things very clearly.
      EX : 

The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected.

exult (v.) [ɪɡˈzʌlt]

definition :

To feel or show great pleasure and excitement, especially about something that you have achieved.

EX : 

Aegisthus exults to see Agamemnon’s body.

principle (n.) ['prɪnsəpḷ]

definition :

a moral rule or a strong belief that influences your actions.

EX : 

Schools try to teach children a set of principles.

dislocate (v.) ['dɪsloˈket]

definition :

to stop a system, plan etc. from working or continuing in the normal way.

EX : 

Communications were temporarily dislocated by the bad weather.


piteous (a.) ['pɪtɪəs]

definition :

deserving or causing pity.

EX : 

She gave a long piteous cry.


prophesy (n.) ['prɑfəˈsaɪ]

definition :

to say what will happen in the future (done in the past using religious or magic powers).

EX : 

There was a great war between the countries, just as the elders had prophesied.

contend (v.) [kən'tɛnd]

definition :

to compete against somebody in order to gain something.

EX : 

Inevitably, fights break out between the members of contending groups


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  • Nov 01 Fri 2013 18:02
  • week 8

augment verb \ȯg-ˈment\
def: make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense

The money augmented his fortune.

aviation noun \ˌā-vē-ˈā-shən,\

1. the operation of heavier-than-air aircraft 
2.military airplanes 

bail noun \ˈbāl\

a container used to remove water from a boat 

bastard noun \ˈbas-tərd\
def: illegitimate child 
2.something that is spurious, irregular, inferior, or of questionable origin 

Congratulations on getting the job, you lucky bastard!

perspire verb \pər-ˈspī(-ə)r\

to emit matter through the skin; specifically: to secrete and emit perspiration 

I was nervous and could feel myself start to perspire.

grapple noun \ˈgra-pəl\

1.the act or an instance of grappling 
2.a bucket similar to a clamshell but usually having more jaws 

After a grapple with his conscience, he confessed to having an affair.

scrutinize verb \ˈskrü-tə-ˌnīz\

to examine closely and minutely 

I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.

obscenely adjective \äb-ˈsēn, əb-\

1.disgusting to the senses 
2.containing or being language regarded as taboo in polite usage 

He was accused of making obscene phone calls.

wiggled verb \ˈwi-gəl\

to move to and fro with quick jerky or shaking motions 

The puppy wiggled with excitement.

crumb noun \ˈkrəm\

1.a small fragment especially of something baked 
2.the soft part of bread 

He swept the crumbs from under the table.

scurry verb \ˈskər-ē, ˈskə-rē\
def: move in or as if in a brisk pace move around in an agitated, confused, or fluttering manner 

She scurried off to finish the job.

nibble verb \ˈni-bəl\

1. to bite gently take away bit by bit 

We nibbled on some cheese and crackers before dinner.

crunch verb \ˈkrənch\

1. to chew or press with a crushing noise chew, press, or grind with a crunching sound 

We could hear the truck's tires crunching along the gravel road.

scurry verb \ˈskər-ē, ˈskə-rē\
def: move in or as if in a brisk pace move around in an agitated, confused, or fluttering manner 

She scurried off to finish the job.

nibble verb \ˈni-bəl\

1. to bite gently take away bit by bit 

We nibbled on some cheese and crackers before dinner.

crunch verb \ˈkrənch\

1. to chew or press with a crushing noise chew, press, or grind with a crunching sound 

We could hear the truck's tires crunching along the gravel road.

squint adjective \ˈskwint\

1.looking or tending to look obliquely or askance 
2. not having the visual axes parallel 

proper adjective \ˈprä-pər\

1.referring to one individual only 
2.belonging characteristically to a species or individual 


She is a very prim and proper young lady.

stardust noun \ˈstär-ˌdəst\

a feeling or impression of romance, magic, or ethereality 

goner noun \ˈgȯ-nər also ˈgä-nər\

one whose case is hopeless 

This old computer is a goner. We'll have to get a new one.

execute verb \ˈek-si-ˌkyüt\
def: carry out fully : put completely into effect perform what is required to give validity to 

He was captured, tried, and executed for murder.

learnt \ˈlərnt\

chiefly British past and past participle of learn

tribunal noun \trī-ˈbyü-nəl, tri-\

1.a court or forum of justice 
2.something that decides or determines 

An international tribunal was formed to deal with war crimes.

scrap noun, often attributive \ˈskrap\

1.fragments of discarded or leftover food 
2.fragments of stock removed in manufacturing 

thimble noun \ˈthim-bəl\

1.a pitted cap or cover worn on the finger to push the needle in sewing 
2. a grooved ring of thin metal used to fit in a spliced loop in a rope as protection from chafing 

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  • Nov 01 Fri 2013 17:06
  • week 8


Stress-free (a.)無憂無慮

àcarefree, without worry


Duty-free (a.) 免稅的

àa. not taxed when taken into another country

b. selling goods that will not be taxed when taken into another country


Unit 6 Creature Feature


scarecrow 稻草人

sheepherder 牧羊人

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