Unanimous (Adj.) [jʊˋnænəməslɪ]
definition :
Of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed.
Ex :
They made an unanimous vote.
Accelerate (V.) [ækˋsɛlə͵ret]
definition :
To cause faster or greater activity, development, progress, advancement, etc.
Ex :
We need to find a way to accelerate economic growth.
Onslaught (n.) [ˋɑn͵slɔt]
definition :
An onset, assault, or attack, especially a vigorous one.
Ex :
The politician made a violent onslaught on yhe unions.
Intuition (n.) [͵ɪntjuˋɪʃən]
definition :
A direct perception of truth, fact.
Ex :
She sensed what was wrong by intuition.
Bizarre (Adj.) [bɪˋzɑr]
definition :
outrageously or whimsically strange; odd.
Ex :
She has been having bizarre behavior since she broke up with her boyfriend.
Prominent (adj.) [ˋprɑmənənt]
definition :
standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable.
Ex :
Her eyes are her most prominent feature.
Contagious (adj.) [kənˋtedʒəs]
definition :
Tending to spread from person to person.
Ex :
contagious laughter.
Spectacle (n.) [ˋspɛktək!]
definition :
Often, spectacles.
Ex :
Something resembling spectacles in shape or function.
Evacuation (n.) [ɪ͵vækjʊˋeʃən]
definition :
The act or process of evacuating, or the condition of being evacuated ; discharge or expulsion, as of contents.
Ex :
Orders went out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.
Aftermath(n.) [ˋæftɚ͵mæθ]
definition :
Something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature ; consequence.
Ex :
The aftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood.
redress (n.) [rɪˈdres]
definition :
Something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for.
EX :
Because she finds no redress for her wring.
pawn (n.) [pɔn]
definition :
a person who is being used by someone who is more powerful to help them achieve a goal.
EX :
She moves them like pawns to their proper places in her barbaric game.
oppressor (n.) [əˈpresər]
definition :
A powerful leader or government that treats people in an unfair or cruel way.
EX :
They showed violent opposition to the oppressor.
constituent (adj.) [kənˈstɪtʃuənt]
definition :
Forming part of something.
EX :
The constituent parts of tragedy.
welter (n.) [ˈweltər]
definition :
a messy collection of different things;a welterweight.
EX :
The earth then was welter
immense (adj.) [ɪˈmens]
definition :
Extremely large.
EX :
The scope of his written work, philosophical and scientific, is immense.
swarm (v.) [swɔrm]
definition :
to go somewhere as part of a large crowd ; if insects swarm, they fly together in a large group.
EX :
Let the waters swarm with the swarm of living creatures.
skim (v.) [skɪm]
definition :
to move quickly over the surface of something, or to make something do this.
EX :
The hovercraft is able to skim over the water.
bombastic (adj.) [bɑmˈbæstɪk]
definition :
Using words that are intended to impress people but do not sound sincere or do not express things very clearly.
EX :
The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected.
exult (v.) [ɪɡˈzʌlt]
definition :
To feel or show great pleasure and excitement, especially about something that you have achieved.
EX :
Aegisthus exults to see Agamemnon’s body.
principle (n.) ['prɪnsəpḷ]
definition :
a moral rule or a strong belief that influences your actions.
EX :
Schools try to teach children a set of principles.
dislocate (v.) ['dɪsloˈket]
definition :
to stop a system, plan etc. from working or continuing in the normal way.
EX :
Communications were temporarily dislocated by the bad weather.
piteous (a.) ['pɪtɪəs]
definition :
deserving or causing pity.
EX :
She gave a long piteous cry.
prophesy (n.) ['prɑfəˈsaɪ]
definition :
to say what will happen in the future (done in the past using religious or magic powers).
EX :
There was a great war between the countries, just as the elders had prophesied.
contend (v.) [kən'tɛnd]
definition :
to compete against somebody in order to gain something.
EX :
Inevitably, fights break out between the members of contending groups